Dderam gtos a carts ast the walmart whieles memsdealt sat in the babyssd seasdfh
" osk lest flook ats the fuckfin leist " demr sauis
mesd growledat a rnaodom chdil
" ok we gottas gets vaeltniens stfudj " dmrea teold meth
metsfdk sat there in the baby seat thinking absout albvin and the chipsmdunkx 3
" egt the spongebob cards " mede said
" noo we gettsing tjhe minons ones " said drmea
merhd startedes crygins
" yay " meth was happy
drmes was mad
dmreshad to got to the game device areas ats the wlamrts
dreams pucnhed a walmart employee and then gtp his nitnetdo playstaion xobx swith
medtke was admiring the alvin and thats chispmdiunks game for thes ninetdo ds
drmw came back and pished the cart away from th e aisles
" now ewe can leave " sia drems
mehtd thought about his valentien that he wanted to askd out
dmrea got shit int he scar and put meth in the baby carseat ( little sficuking baby 😼😎 )
they dorve home cause cailso is a btich
to bes erff ocntiems