26 1 2

clail made everyone get ou of de spncers

He had seen too much.

mebthdlk glared at the claires sotre wih the britgh colorer jojo bows they always have for some reason ( i fukibnf hat joj siw )

metb ran into the claires leavig r the gang for a few horus

cail didnt care but dramm watche meth run off 

coleslaw looksd for te dirnectin boad to see wher the htos tpsic was

wheisl lookin he bsu,mpe nto a man

the sman tunr aroun and he was angr 😮😮😮😮

the sman tunr aroun and he was angr 😮😮😮😮

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" kys mate " te mas said

" no " rlepied clitoris

"to bads " d mna said back

he wa s abotub to do osmethin unspeakabelf

To beaia continedsdd...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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