Chapter 2: Punishment ? and Diner at Dimitrescu

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A/n: Hello everyone !! Anyway let's start :D


No One's POV

After Y/n introduce himself the lords didn't ask anything and just kept quiet, Miranda have a different plan for him she felt he is big deal than the rest and plan to see if a Cadou survive on him. Y/n saw this and let his eye glow even bright and ready to chop her head off, since he can feel like this woman will take advantage of him and order him around. Miranda told the four lords to introduce themselves Y/n do know Donna and Angie but the others don't.

Miranda: Now to do with your actions " Horror "

Dimitrescu: I'm sure my daughters will have fun playing that man-thing

Heisenberg: You mean screw him around in private ? Where's the fun in that ? Give him to me I'll put on a show that everyone will enjoy


Moreau: Maybe an experiment mother ?

As the four keeps talking about what to do with Y/n they all stop when a butcher knife was thtown in the middle, All of them look at Y/n who has his arm stretch out like a throw and looking with his glowing eye.

Y/n: ...... All of you .... Be quiet or ... I'll make a Head-dog out of you

Dimitrescu: watch your tone man-thing you don't know who you are up against

Y/n: Like I care about that but I suggest to shut up for a while

Miranda: I have made my decisions

The four lords look at Miranda as Y/n's was about to leave but Angie grab the end of his shorts, Y/n looks at the doll and Donna he may not know what she's saying but he can feel it. Just then Miranda points at the man who is wielding a hammer, the tall lady scoff at this and roll her eyes while the man tip his hat.

Miranda: Heisenberg I want to see what this man's capable of

Heisenberg: of course Mother bitch Miranda

Angie: Oooooo !! Big dummy looks like your gonna fight !!

Y/n: Fight ?

Just then a lot of Lycans start howling above the place as Heisenberg stands up and looks at Y/n, Y/n smiles widely under his mask releasing a powerful killing intent and motion his finger.

Y/n: heh ... Give me your best shot

Heisenberg: with pleasure *smirk* let see what you are made off Y/n the Skeleton

The two start glaring at each other for a moment, then metal starts gathering and going towards Y/n. Making him immobolized from head to toe Heisenberg brought him somewhere he can fight, the other lords are also gonna watch and see how is he capable of.

~ Time skip brought you by Y/n buying all the meat Duke has ~

Y/n's POV

I woke up and notice I am in some kind of underground arena, I look around and saw some bigger versions like 5 or more of the ones I hunt in chains growling glaring at me. I look up and saw the so called four lords sitting at they're own thrones and looking at me, while Miranda was sitting at her own bigger throne looking down at me.

Heisenberg: Finally awake boy !! Been thinking if you are still alive

Y/n: ......

Heisenberg: Welcome to my game heres the thing if you survive all of this pets of mine Mother Miranda will give you an award

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