A date with a little extra

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As (y/n) walked back into her house with the groceries she was soon met with Athena with seeing her she came immediately back to what she was thinking about earlier which caused her to blush again

"Crap I hate this ok calm and breathe girl" thought (y/n)

Soon enough (y/n) took a breathe

"Need help?" Asked Athena

"Hm no its only these three bags for dinner tonight so nothing big" said (y/n)

"Mmm ok so how it go at the market?" Said Athena

"Tch some AMO rioters were there and causing a seen but they were soon arrest by police and then ran into a strange woman?" Said (y/n)

"Strange woman?" Asked Athena

"Ya see this is how it went" said (y/n)

Soon enough (y/n) told Athena of the market riot and meeting that mysterious woman inside the kitchen

"Ok I should have gone with you" said Athena

"Athena im fine and if you would've gone they would've target you and I domt want that you've been through enough AMO experiences" said (y/n)

"I dont care about my hellish past I care about now if they would've turn violent-" seethed Athena

Soon enough Athena felt a hand on her looking to see (y/n) with concern in her eyes

"Athena calm down there's no need to worry right now don't focus on the past we have eachother dont we" asked (y/n)

"Huh ya of course we have eachother" said Athena

Both girls can feel a deep bump in theyre chest being this close and alone Athena wanted to ask now but she never done this before

"Mommy mommy!" Yelled a child

As both (y/n) and Athena jumped from eachother both were acting like they were doing something and soon enough suku bounded into the kitchen

"Hey sweetie whats wrong" asked (y/n)

"Momma me-me told me about a fair tomorrow can we go please!" Begged suku

"Oh I dont know about that sweetie...." said (y/n)

This is Athena cue to jump in

"Actually was planning to ask you about the fair anyways we can go together and bring suku along" said Athena

"Huh y-you sure I mean it might be difficult" said (y/n)

"Ya I dont see why not theyre gonna do fireworks to so thats something to look forward too" said Athena

"What about mei should we ask her" questioned (y/n)

Soon enough mei popped in

"Naw fairs aren't my thing ill stay home" said mei

"Are you sure I dont wanna leave you here alone" said (y/n)

"Ha please ill be fine alone done it many times" said mei

(Y/n) turned to Athena for a second opinion but Athena can see mei over (y/n) with the face of I did the hard part now do it

"Well if mei says she's fine alone i don't see why not and mei is a big girl...in many ways but thats besides the point" said Athena

Athena can now see mei extreme death glare for that comment

"If this doesn't work your dead" mouthed mei

"And hey this would be suku first time at a fair and who better then her mother" said Athena

With that (y/n) looked at suku to see her big fox eyes pleading at her

"Hm fine I dont see why not I don't have work or anything so let's do it" said (y/n)

"Yay!" Yelled suku

"Alright cool" said Athena

With that suku and (y/n) went to go play together leaving mei and Athena together which soon enough mei knocked one into Athena stomach

"Aw mother fuc-" said Athena

"Thats was for the big comment a-hole" said mei

"Im sorry thats just how it came out" said Athena

"Next time do a better way of coming out" said mei

"If this goes good I wouldn't have to" said Athena

"Yup" said mei

Soon enough the rest of the night went without a hitch had a nice dinner and and soon mei put suku to bed and bed herself leaving Athena and (y/n)

"Hey Athena do you really wanna do the fair?" Asked (y/n)

"Hm of course I do it seems really fun why you ask" said Athena

"I mean we'll have suku and it'll be a big responsibility is all" said (y/n)

"Hm trust we'll be good itll go greatly i know" said Athena

"Well if your sure about it then guess I have no reason to worry then" said (y/n)

"Hey your her mother your just looking out for her I get it my own mother was the same" said Athena

"Really she was?" Asked (y/n)

"Yup generally all mothers are its a natural instinct in them but we'll be good btw I looked into it apparently for these you have to wear a kimono?" Asked Athena

"Oh ya I worn those a few times in the past its a tradition thing" said (y/n)

"You think they'll have one for me?" Asked Athena

"Well with monsters being around for years now most likely but we'll check tomorrow" said (y/n)

"Ok well its getting late we should head out" said Athena

"Oh ya night seeya tomorrow" said (y/n)

"Same to you" said Athena

Then everyone went to bed nervous and excited about tomorrow

To be continued.......

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