you're (y/n) Kurusu. Kimihito Kurusu little sister as you finally made it college and in life with a pretty good job and stable home you decided its finally time to settle down and get your own place and once you did you decided you wanted to do th...
(Y/n) Kurusu Gender:female Personality: you are rather out going and cheerful easy to get along with your 21 and still and college but have a nice little job at a pet store and over all love life but your also can be motherly and shy when in certain situations Likes:coffee/candy/animals/your daughter/The girls/your friends/life/cooking and cleaning and over all taking care of others/your brother Hates:energy drinks/bland foods/mean people/hurt friends and animals/scary movies/fighting
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Suku Kurusu (child) NOT PART OF HAREM Gender:female
Type:kitsune Likes:her mother/the others/bugs and smaller things/berries/foxes/agent rose Dislikes:the dark/coffee/vegetables/meanie pants/birds (got attacked by seagulls)/agent smith/her actual parents Personality She's very childish and likes to have fun can be oblivious sometimes which can lead her into trouble she likes to mainly help her mother (y/n) with chores or hang out with the other girls but sometimes like chase after bugs or lizards in her back yard
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Alice sprite
Gender:female Type:ghost Likes:rachena/(y/n)/The others/suku/soda/night time/the beach oddly enough Dislikes:a-holes/ the girls sometimes/waking up/coffee Personality:she is a rather shy person but when opened up she cam energetic and fun loving but when giving the opportunity cam be shy and easily embarrassed
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