Dimitri and Kaleb's Legacy

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Kaleb and Dimitri decided to start over. They didn't decide to forget their history or the decision they both made in order to ignore each other, but they did start over. They healed their inner child by confessing like teenagers and going on dates and picnics. Teenage angst included.

Dimitri took that month off of work and him and Kaleb traveled for a bit. Everything was innocent, pure, and almost childlike.

They weren't perfect, they didn't reconnect easily, in fact the first few dates were spent in utter misery, often ending in yelling contests or snide remarks and bitter bickering. Though, eventually, everything that needed to be addressed was said and the pair felt an inner peace like never before settle between them.

They always had the threat of separation looming over their heads when they were young and not in control of their own lives. But Dimitri knew Kaleb wasn't leaving this time, whatever happened would happened when they were side by side.

All of Kaleb's fears about him staying and what it would do to the packs equilibrium proved to be false. Propaganda enforces by the elders in order to scare off alphas born to lower ranks to ensure a "pure Alpha lineage". Dimitri and Kaleb were more than pissed having to learn this. The only fighting they did was by word of mouth. Turns out Dimitri's urge to punch Kaleb's lights out was just pent up aggression.

Paybacks a bitch.

Somewhere during their first year together Dimitri decided to start going to counseling, meeting with a therapist once every month to talk about the rapid decline in his mental health and anger management issues.

Kaleb stopped sleeping around indefinitely, accepting the fact that he wasn't handling his depression well. He met with a therapist a couple times like Dimitri had asked, but found himself getting no where with the treatment. He decided to just let time heal him, he knew he'd have his moments of regret and self-contempt but Dimitri would be by his side to pull him through.

Kaleb took Dimitri to see Adam, partly to tell Adam thank you and partly to confess how he had been living during those 7 years. Dimitri had taken the news less than well at first. But he eventually came around to accepting this as a part of his mate and that it didn't make Kaleb any less his than before, all that mattered was that they were together and nobody else could experience Kaleb like he could. Though that philosophy only came after he punched Adam.

Adam didn't take it personally but he didn't appreciate it and asked them to leave. Kaleb wasn't happy with Dimitri after that.

Dimitri and Kaleb didn't get their happily ever after until almost a decade later, when Dimitri was finally granted enough votes to sign off the law that kept him and Kaleb apart.

Now, with nothing holding them back, these two boys find themselves in this situation in their mid 30s.

"Have you ever.."

"Have I ever...?"

"Y'know... for another man?" Dimitri cast his eyes to the floor. Have you ever given yourself to another man like this?

This shyness, that was so uncharacteristically Dimitri, made a teasing chuckle bubble from Kaleb's throat.

A part of Kaleb, a sick a devious part of him, wanted to torture Dimitri with the fact that he would never get to take any of Kaleb's firsts. His twisted dominant half never wanted to be that vulnerable and submit to another alpha in such a way, willingly give his mate such power over him.

But the better side of him, one that's been forgotten in the archives that was Kaleb, the one he's been saving for this person his whole life, wanted to reverse time and take it all back from the very moment where he stepped into that taxi cab.

He wished he could give his mate something as special as his virginity, the same way Dimitri was willing to give him.

With a long pause and a sigh, "Yes, I've been on both ends," Kaleb confessed.

Dimitri's reaction made Kaleb regret his past more. He could vaguely make out downward turned ears as Dimitri had whispered a simple, "Oh."

'Oh's weren't good. They didn't even begin conceptualize a slight deviation of the word good.

Kaleb knew he was disappointed. Dimitri had been angry when he first found out, Kaleb knew this, but at the time he hadn't realized what that anger was masking: disappointment in his mate.

Kaleb wanted to whine like a kenneled dog.

He got the compulsion to defend himself, justify his affairs.

"When I first left, I felt... so alone," he began, "Now, I know that's no ones fault but mine, but that only fueled my self-pitying state more. I— I needed a way to distract myself , distract myself so I wouldn't keep thinking of you."

Dimitri was looking into Kaleb's eyes again as he spilled his thoughts truthfully, albeit awkwardly.

"I think I lost my virginity after the first few months. Goddess— it was awful— I was so scrawny and the dude complained about how my bony ass was poking him the whole night," Dimitri was getting more comfortable as Kaleb shared his many failed relationships, even laughing every once in a while, to which Kaleb never failed to smile at.

"This is actually kind of embarrassing to admit, but Adam loved to tease me about the fact he looked strikingly similar to the photo of the guy I kept in my wallet," it was Kaleb's turn to look away.

"I— I started having sex with anyone who would walk my way so that I could forget about you. About us. But I could never get away with it because I kept holding onto that stupid photo.

"I won't lie, I tried to throw it away, more times than I care to admit, but I always ended up taking it out of the trash and putting it back into my wallet the very next day."

Kaleb felt oddly relieved after sharing that bit about him, he felt lighter, as though the thought about is promiscuity meant more to him than he previously thought.

Dimitri never fails to surprise him though, "I'm not mad, though I will say I'm disappointed. There was a part of me that hoped that you would save yourself for me, in the slim chance you'd come back, just as I did. I realize that was unfair of me. I know I won't be your first, but you'll be my first, don't you think that's still worth something?"

A new sense of fondness washed over Kaleb. It was a airy feel, that made his heat patter against his ribcage like hummingbird wings. Dimitri was trying his best to make this important for them, so Kaleb had to do the same.

Though it wasn't Kaleb's first, it was their first, and it was Dimitri's.

They took care in exploring each other's matured bodies. Rough hands feathered across flexed muscles, gripping areas in pleasure from time to time almost to ground themselves, let their partner know that they are there.

Their first time was slow, like a dance set to a melodic song. There was no rush, there was no outside world, just them and a flame.

Their relationships wasn't romantic but it was one of yearning and true love. They fought and picked at old scabs, but at the end of the day they always went back to the same bed and held each because they knew they didn't mean the words they said.

Dimitri and Kaleb dedicated the rest of their lives to debunking and tearing down the Old Laws and reuniting lost lovers so that they may live together again.

They adopted a beta daughter when they were in their 40s and they lived together until their daughter took over her fathers' positions as the first beta-Alpha in history, just as her fathers were the first male alphas pairing in a position of power.

Dimitri's mother died before she could meet her granddaughter but Kaleb's mom was there to guide them through parenthood until she too passed away.

Sadly, Dimitri didn't make it to his 90th birthday and left the world before Kaleb did. Dimitri was buried next to his father and mother and Kaleb visited him every day. A week after Dimitri and Kaleb's 70th anniversary, Kaleb passed away in his sleep to be buried next to his parents and mate of 70 years.

They left behind a legacy that would reshape the way packs were lead, mental wellbeing were handled, the way non-virgins were demonized, and how same sex pairings were treated. They didn't live long enough to see it, but they gave birth to a new generation of werewolf.

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