The Storm

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It's a cloudy day.

The sky's blanketed with a dark woolen grey, the same color that swarms inside of Kaleb's eyes.

Dimitri's currently sat on the quant porch, waiting obediently for said best friend to get ready for their day out.

Kaleb will be leaving tomorrow morning, today was going to be their last chance to be with one another.

"Kaleb get your ass down here!" Dimitri yells through the door.

A shirtless brunet then pokes his head out of the second floor window that overlooked the porch, "Calm your tits, ass-wipe! I'll be down in a minute!" the other charming man hollers back. 

Such an adoring pair.

Stepping off the simply decorated front entrance of his best friend's house, Dimitri smirks up at the boy who clearly just got out of the shower. "You said that a minute ago!" Dimitri replies cheekily.

"It was a figure of speech, dumb-ass!" A snarky Kaleb screams.

"Would you boys shut up!" a woman, who looked awfully like the boy shouting from the upstairs window, shouts from an open front door, "You're giving me a headache with all that yelling!" she yells, "Kaleb, do us a favor, and get the hell down here!"

Dimitri simply smirks up at an irked Kaleb, "You heard the boss, get dressed before she evicts you before you even get the chance to leave, dude!"

Kaleb just gives an angsty grumble, leaving Dimitri to look at the curtained window with a shit eating grin.

Kaleb's knees wobble as he takes small steps towards his bureau, Dimitri's soothing scent left lingering in his nose.

It's been nothing but pure torcher to be around Dimitri without being able to touch him the way Kaleb wants to. It was like telling a kid not to eat the candy that was placed right in front of him.

Everything in Kaleb's instincts tell him to be near his mate, to touch him, to kiss him, it was an impossible feeling to ignore.

Tomorrow is a day they've been dreading since the weight finally hit them. They spent every second of every hour leading up to today just milking all the time they had left, yet they couldn't help but feel it wasn't enough.

Kaleb puts on his clothes with a heavy heart and a sad smile. Walking out the door to see his best friend still staring up at his window with a small smile.

When Dimitri saw Kaleb, he glowed. Kaleb would miss that smile the most. It was hard to notice in passing but once you set your sights on it, you couldn't get enough.


"And we're going where, exactly?" Kaleb questions, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Birthday shopping," Dimitri says with his signature tight lipped smile.

"Birthday, as in your birthday, birthday shopping," Kaleb asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup!" Dimitri cheers.

"Why'm I even surprised," Kaleb rolls his eyes at the blond.

Small, almost crystalline circles, start to appear on the windscreen until large droplets threatened the durability of the glass by drumming down from the heavens. A crackle of thunder erupts in the sky and the boys' sensitive ears wane.

How fitting, Kaleb had thought gloomily, nothing like some melancholic weather to bring up the mood.

"See, even the goddess doesn't understand why we're getting presents for you, you selfish prick," Kaleb jests.

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