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My dearest Eris,

I was reduced to nothing but a number, another asteroid that orbits the Earth. Not a planet anymore. Still I can't seem to hate you. You took everything from me my fame, my name, my freedom, and yet I still love you.

I know you had no other choice and so I hope that in our next life, we can be free because I know that just one life with you isnt enough. I'll spend each and everyone of my next searching for you and loving you, I'll hope you do the same for me Eris.

I want to be the book you can't seem to put down, the reason you smile, the reason you laugh, I want to be the moon that orbits around you, the lover to your main character, and many more.

On days like these, I hope that all of this is just a dream. A twisted nightmare the two of us are stuck in, but when we wake up everything is normal. We'd live a normal life without Titans. I hope that all the we've seen is nothing but a dream.

Eris, what keeps me going is your freedom. The thought of it drives me to do this rumbling. I'm doing this for you and although I'd love to also be free with you, my chapter of our book is ending and you'll be able to start a new one free. Know that even in my final moments I'm thinking of you.

Be free my love,
Eren Yaeger

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