Untitled Part 2

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I go to my room and change out of my shorts and put on jeans. I won't do the boys the disservice of having to look at my legs. I can barely look at them without gagging. My phone dings.

Kota: Family night at my house. Come over and bring an overnight bag.

They will know somethings up. Kota probably saw it in the car and wanted a second opinion. I don't exactly have a choice.

Sang: be there in 10

I pack a bag with sweats to sleep in and a modest outfit for tomorrow. I just hope they don't notice.

I get to Kota's door and it opens before I could even ring the doorbell. Everyone was there, all nine of them. Great... it's hard enough to hide things from the boys but Mr. Blackbourne will notice in a second.


"Aggele mou"





"Miss Sorenson," they all said at once. I blushed giggling. Nothing like my boys to take my mind off of my problems.

"Trouble, we are having a sleepover." I smile at Gabe's excitement.

"All of us?" I said confused, it wasn't uncommon for us to have sleepovers, but Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne weren't usually there.

"Yes Pookie, all of us," a smile in his eyes. I grinned, I haven't seen Sean outside school for a while. 

"Oy, trouble, so what do you want to do?"

"I don't care, whatever you want to do." 

"How about we play I Never."

"Okay, how do you play?"

"Okay so everyone starts out with ten fingers, and we go around and circles and say what we have never done. If you have done it you put done a finger. Okay?"

"Um... Okay"

"Okay so I'll go first," said Gabriel smirking at North, "Never have I ever been drunk off my ass." North, Nathan, and Sean put down a finger. I giggle at the image of Sean drunk. If the boys were trying to cheer me up it was most definitely working.

Victor smirked at me, "My turn, Never have I ever given someone a fake number." I put my finger down trying to hold in the giggles that came with memory, Luke also put his finger down. 

"Okay I have to ask," said Kota. I explained how one day at school I was walking with Victor and some guy had been bugging me. North glared at Victor for not keeping the guy off of me. I told Victor I would handle it and sent the boy a note with a number on it. He left me alone after that. 

"Okay then," Kota said shooting a glance at Victor, "My turn, never have I ever been proposed to." He smirked at me and I put down a finger.

"Miss Sorenson, now I need to ask." I told him about Mike and he glared at Kota.

"Aggelle Mou, my turn, Never have I ever gotten a hickey." I swallow and put a finger down as North, Gabe and Sean do the same.

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