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Lyric's Point of View~

"Ayoooo Ly, you wanna be my partner for this African American project?" Tristan ask giving me those puppy dog eyes of his. Mr. Hall, our teacher, gave us the assignment in class and gave us the remainder of the class period to choose partners.

"Hell naw T. You lost your damn mind." X said causing me to laugh. I looked over his way.

"I've been your partner ever since you got here. Tristan does need a good grade in this class." I spoke.

Tristan through his hands up, "Way to bust a nigga out sis."

Nicki wrapped her arms around him, "Well, it is true baby. I can be your partner and then some." She kissed his ear leaving Tristan to bite his lip.

"Nasty asses." I mumbled.

Nicki started laughing, "You just mad cause you not getting the same thing... HATER!" I rolled my eyes.

The bell rung and it was time for gym class. For me and Nicki that is.

Xavier and Tristan walked us to the gym. Xavier was looking like he had something on his mind.

"X. Why you look so down? Cheer up." I smiled making him laugh a little.

"I'm just worried about my dad. He is retiring after this season and he is looking for me to go pro immediately after school. I want to get an education first then maybe go pro. But he is not having it."

"I think you should follow your heart and not what every body else says." I said. He shook his head and smiled, "Why do you always have the answer to my problems?" I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Because I just do. Come over tonight." I said, "So we can start on this project."

I figured since Chris still out of town, it wouldn't hurt if he came over. "Alright ma. Text me the address." He said before Nicki and I entered the gym.

Nicki and I headed to the locker room to change our clothes. I told Nicki about me inviting X over and she thinks it's a bad idea.

"I'm sorry Lyric but are you crazy. Chris would find out in a heartbeat and I don't want you to get hurt." She said.

I got up and checked myself out in the mirror, "Nicki, he is on the other side of the country. Trust me. And besides it a project that counts 60 percent of our grade."

I spotted Renaé and her clique coming in laughing about God knows what. "Awww hey Songbird. How you doing?" She smiled. I smacked my lips and turned around before she opened her mouth and spoke again.

"You better listen to your friend Songbird. Chris wouldn't be a happy camper if he found out about X being over there now would he?" I turned around.

"Stay out of my damn business Renaé. Fuck you thought this was?" I spat. I just wanted to wipe that damn grin of her face.

"Oh. Look who has balls now! You don't anything about Chris do you? Hmmm. You will just have to find out yourself." She laughed. Nicki came up and pulled me away from them.

"Girl don't let them boost your head up." She said calming me down. I just shook it off and sat on the bleachers.

If it wasn't for Nicki butting in like she did, I would have whooped ole girl ass.


I texted X the address and waited on him to come. Myles was in the kitchen doing his homework while I helped him.

"So when is this dude is suppose to show up Lyric? I'm ready to roast his ass." Myles said with an evil grin. I just looked at him and shook my head.

"Just be patient brat! Geez. Why are you so interested in him anyways? We just friends." I spoke.

"I just want to make sure that he isn't like Chris ole crazy ass. You need to find someone better Lyric." He said.

"Chris will change. I know he will. By the way, don't say anything flamboyant around Xavier." I point my finger and gave him a stern look, "I mean it."

He through his hands up and surrender. The doorbell rang and I headed to the door.

"Hey. Come in." Xavier came in and hugged me from the side. I closed the door and led him to the kitchen.

He placed his stuff on the counter, while my brother raised his eyebrow.

"Sup, I'm Xavier. You must be Myles." He said. Myles nodded, "Wassup."

I rubbed temples due to all the questions he had brewing for X. I just went on and grabbed us some snacks and water.

"No way. That's your dad. He is sick on the court. But I'm more of a football guy." Myles said, "I guess I'll leave you two alone. No freaky shit while I'm here. And Xavier, you cool I'm my book." He dabbed X before leaving the kitchen.

Xavier started laughing, "Your brother is a mess."

"He is. I hope he didn't scare you with all those questions." I rubbed my temples and sighed.

"He didn't. It would take a lot of things in order for me to stay away from you." He smiled causing me to giggle. We stared at each other for a minute before I broke eye contact.

"Well let's get started shall we." I stumbled on my words opening up our history book.


~Couple Hours Later~

We finally decided on something that we both can agreed on. We came up with us doing a PowerPoint over the road to the civil rights movement to now.

"I can tell this project is going to be the dopest one yet." He said.

"One that's going to give us an A of course." I laughed while putting up the chips and bowls in the sink. As I turned around I saw him.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Chris asked sternly.

Xavier looked at him, "Sorry dude for coming in your house unannounced. It was for a project for school." Chris looked at him. Boy if looks could kill.

I stayed froze and couldn't say anything. "How come you didn't call me? It would have been fine if I've gotten a heads up." He said.

Xavier looked at me and I looked at him. "Dude it's okay. It's just a proje-"

"Nigga did I ask you to say anything. It's already bad enough as it is!" He yelled making me jump.

Xavier was about to walk up to him but I grabbed him, "No. Just go." I whispered.

He looked at me confused and grabbed his stuff. Chris smiled and mugged him all the way to the door. As I heard the door close, I knew I was in for the worst.

Chris walked back into the kitchen. I had my back turned toward him and felt him behind me. "All you had to do was call me baby. You didn't have to sneak behind my back."

"I thought you was going to get mad." I tried to say.

"Nah. I know you wouldn't be that stupid. Who would want your ass anyways? You barely pleasing me, so how would you please the next nigga?" He laughed, "Just don't do it again. Understood."

I nodded as I felt him feeling me up and kissing my neck. "I missed you. Hell I missed this ass."

I turned around and kissed him before jumping on top of him. "I missed you too daddy."

Even though I was disgusted by Chris and his presence, I need this release.

Very badly.




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