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Lyric's Point of View~

Once the call dropped, I gave Ace back his phone. "Thank you. Thank you for doing that for me." I said giving him a warm smile.

"No problem sis. Now try to act cool until they arrive. We don't want Chris knowing about this." He replied. I noticed the door moving a little bit and I quickly tried to warn Ace. He turned around and it was Chris. He stood against the door pane twirling his gun and raised his eyebrow. "Not tell me what?"

I was about to say something before he shot Ace in the shoulder. Ace was groaning in pain while I screamed.

"I heard everything nigga," he said before Ace tried to get up, but Chris prepared the gun again making him stop, "Move and I won't miss this time. I'm warning you." Ace was losing a lot of blood and was trying to apply pressure. I cried, because I wanted to help him. But I couldn't due to these stupid handcuffs.

He pointed the gun at me, "I guess you just fucking the whole crew huh! Ace and Me!? Really Lyric? You stupid bitch!" He slapped me and got on top of me. I kneed him and he punched my chest. "Leave me the fuck alone! Why are you doing this to me and him? We were just childhood friends!" I yelled and he stopped to laugh. He was about to give his infamous line.

"You must think I'm a fool. Everybody wants you Lyric! EVERY. FUCKING. BOBY! And you know what.... If you wanna be a hoe, I'll treat like one!!!!" He yelled. I glanced at Ace as he was getting up. I guess he noticed that pipe and grab it whacking Chris against his head.

The hit was so powerful that Chris was unconscious and on the floor at the blink of an eye. "Bitch ass nigga!" Ace yelled and stomped him multiple times until he was out. "Fuck!" He shouted softly due to his injury reaching into Chris's pocket.

He grabbed the key out his pocket and kicked Chris's gun to the other side of the room. He un-cuffed me and told me to wait at the door. I listened to him and saw him pull out his gun. As I was against the door, I felt a hand covering my mouth muffling my screams. Ace turned around. He aimed his gun to where I was.

"Well. Well. Well. I knew it would come down to this."

"Kaine! Let her go!!!" Ace shouted drawing his gun back.

"Or what? How about I kill her ass already since she didn't give a nigga no play." He said biting his lip and pressing the gun to my temple. The coldness on the barrel sent shivers down my spine. I shut my eyes hard praying.

"Kaine listen bro, just let her go and I think she will reconsider. Won't you Lyric?" Ace said and I nodded my head. Kaine smiled, "What makes believe you and this bitch? For all I know this could be a set up." I shed a few tears knowing that I was in a bad predicament.

"You and this sick fuck belong together! I swear you wasn't like this K." Ace spoke. Kaine sighed releasing a dramatic pause. "You right, bro. You damn right," Ace looked at him while he continued, "I was always under you mane. All the time! You had every fucking thing and I was the outcast. Hell, Lyric wasn't feeling me due to you and your big ass ego. I became this person I am today because I was tired of being second to you!"

As he was talking, he put the gun down and began expressing his damn feelings. I could tell Ace was just trying to calm Kaine crazy ass down. I was going in and out of consciousness due to Chris beating on me earlier. But, I instantly came back to reality when Kaine threw me over to Ace.

"How about I just get rid of both of you then!?" He yelled and screamed aiming his gun pointing at me. "Lyric first!"

"Not on my watch!" As the words were being drawn out by the anonymous person, a gunshot went straight through Kaine's chest. Then another through his back. Kaine dropped down revealing that it was Xavier.

Xavier and Tristan were standing at the door and they both fired the shots making sure Kaine was dead. After two more shoots, it ended. I immediately ran up to Xavier and jumped on him and kissed his lips. Ace was being helped by Tristan and noticed Chris lying on the ground still knocked out.

"Is he dead?" He asked.

I shook my head and Xavier put me down and walked toward him. Chris was waking up a little until X began beating his ass.

"You bitch ass piece of shit!" X kept repeating as he punched and stomped him, "How you like getting your ass beat now huh?"

Chris smiled just eating the punches and taking it like a pro. X was going in too much that I had to stop him.

"Baby. Please.." I said running up to him stopping his fist from connecting to Chris's face. "He isn't worth it."

Tristan and Ace gave me the 'bitch please' face. I rolled my eyes and both of us walked to where they was. We was about to leave the room until Ace shot Chris multiple times. I watched as he gazed at his younger brother lying in a pool of blood lifeless.

I kept my head low as I was about to speak but Ace beat me to it.

"Y'all go. I got light this place up." He said. X and Tris nodded and walked out while I stayed. Ace looked over his brother probably thinking about everything that just happened. I touch his shoulder and smiled, "It's going to be hard, but you'll get through it. I'm sorry it had to be like this. I thought Kaine would have turned everything around. Instead he had to act like that."

Ace sighed, "I don't have nobody anymore, ma."

I smiled and hugged him, "You have us now. Plus Darren would be thrilled to hear about this night." I finally got him to smile and laugh.

"He would be livid, but forreal I got this. Just wait outside. It will only take me 3 minutes." He said and I nodded.

Xavier's Point of View~

Tristan and I were outside before Lyric followed behind. I watched as she walked out the front door.

The way she looked last night at prom is totally different from how she looks now.

Had bruises and cuts all over her body. In nothing but a T-shirt and panties. I couldn't even think about what all Kaine and Chris did to her.

They got what they deserved.

I looked down at Lyric and picked her up carrying her to the truck.

"You are my knight and shining armor you know that?" She said trying to make me laugh. Which it was working.

"I guess I am. And I suppose you are the princess." I told her as I opened the door. She smiled and bite her lip, "I love you so much baby. I just want to go home."

I smelled smoke and turned around as all of us gazed at the fire beaming everywhere. Ace was walking toward us and through the gun into the fire.

"Thank you man for helping me and sorry about what I did back there." I tried to apologize and Ace shook his head.

"It's cool fam. Kaine had it coming one day with his vicious ass ways. I just couldn't own up and do it myself. Besides all of us go way back." Ace said nudging me.

Tristan smacked his lips, "Who doesn't know you LyLy! God damn!" We all cracked up and before you know it, we went our separate ways.






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