Chapter 22 Disassociative

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A/N: I'm back! XD I'm done with uni until October, I've got myself a new office job (9-5.30's are the best!) and I'm doing better! For those of you that followed my upload in Cruelest of Hearts, I'm trying to see things through, my teacher is avoiding me for now, but my Course Leader (a boss-ass-Queen!) truly listened and guided me, and I'm forever grateful. On another good news FUCKIN' PALAYE ROYALE ARE COMING TO THE UK AND I BOOKED VIP TICKETS (mayormaynothavesoldmykidney) SO I'M GOING TO MEET THEM AND I CAN BARELY CONTAIN THE FANGIRL XD Anyway, I hope all of you darlings are doing well, I'll get around to responding to every single message I got in Cruelest of Hearts and privately within the next days! If you want to support me guys, remember that you can do so by buying me a  ko-fi! Keep being awesome and here is the new chapter!


'We did this to her...'

Kate brought her burning, fatigued feet to a stop as the words escaped her, feet sinking into the deep snow that had covered everything in the past few days. Usually, she would have minded the way piercingly cold water rushed inside her boots. She would have wanted to rush towards that dilapidated house they called their own to prop them in front of the blazing fire and call it a fucking night.

She would have wanted that, yet now, it seemed sinful compared to the crushing weight of guilt that consumed her.

'We need to keep going, Kat.' Hoody was unaware of her inner turmoil or maybe chose to ignore it, his broad figure making way through the high meters of snow. He went first like he always seemed to do, his dark yellow hoodie is odd against the assaulting white cleanness of the raw scenery.

Even in the depths of the Slender Woods, Kate found that Nature was the only thing to always remain beautiful.

Everything had gone to shit so fast and so hard, she had whiplash from the intensity. Against all odds, against all gods and devils, the little human had survived her ordeal and came back to them, at least for the most part.

Kate could not believe her own two eyes when she realised just who was sitting on that rocking chair, but the immense guilt of what had happened to her, of what they had allowed to happen to her was more crushing than all the lives Kate had taken from the moment she woke up inside those deep caves.

It is always different when it is someone you know, someone you have shared a bowl of stew or someone you have helped back on their feet.

And to see ______ now fight for her life as the Proxy Mark ravaged what was left of herself, what was left of her mind, only split whatever was left of Kate in half.

Especially when Jack had gone into grim detail about the state he had found her in. It didn't take a genius to know that someone had pushed her inside that tank and Kate swore to her Master's name that she'd find out and make them pay.

Half part of the equation would pay. The other...

'We did this to her, Hoody!' she was not moving from her spot. She did not dare move as she glared at the male's turned back, glared at the man whose promises were always too good to be true.

Usually, she didn't mind. Usually.

Alluring promises of what may be were a siren's song that kept the sailors going straight for the razor-sharp rocks, alas, now Kate had awoken and saw herself rotting against the shallows, seagulls pecking at her exposed flesh 'You promised me we'd return her back to the human world!'

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