Chapter 11 Slo-Mo-Tion

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Sounds of splintering wood break the silence as the door falls open violently under the heavy kick. Shadows move on the walls that are ever-changing, moving and deepening significantly as the rooms change and the air becomes restrictive and heavy with mold, decay and copper. A light goes on somewhere and it momentarily drowns everything, as wild voices echo like gunshots inside the silence of the night, never managing to dull the constant ringing in your ears.

Weakly, your tongue tries to lick your dried lips as your neck burns with the need for water, but you are too weak to really do anything other than breathe; acutely aware of your breathing and the ringing, you just feel so goddamn tired that closing your eyes and going to sle-

'Do not fall asleep _____.'

Commanding and authoritative, the voice breaks through the ringing and the muffled noises, sounding as clear as the light of day on a summer day. It grounds you in a strange way and you jerk awake with a confused and disoriented look spread over your face.

'I'm awake, right here. Good as new.'

Sturdy hands are keeping a strong hold of your legs, supporting you in a make-shift piggy-back ride, hands thrown around Hoody's neck and gunshot wounds profusely bleeding out all over his hood. It is a struggle to keep your focus, much less keep awake, as the rest of the Proxies have led you to a safehouse and rush around for reasons unknown. Resting your heavy head on his shoulder, it is oh so easy to just close your eyes and finally, finally sle-

'I got her.'

Another pair of arms wraps around your waist and you are carefully pulled away from Hoody and placed gingerly on the ground against the wall, exhaling deeply and bobbing your head towards the white-masked man checking your wounds before proceeding to tear your hoodie open with little to no effort.

'Tim.. your pervert is.. showing.'

Trying to lighten the mood, you wince and exclaim in pain as he wordlessly presses the torn cloth over the wounds on your chest, applying as much pressure as his body could fuel him with strength. The cop had gotten you good; firing twice, the bullets found their way deep into your chest, barely missing the upper side of your lungs and lower side of your throat. Blood run freely from the wounds in no time and you collapsed just in time to see a hatchet embedding itself deeply into the cop's forehead. Thankfully -and surprisingly- Hoody was there to catch you and throwing you on his back like a shack of potatoes, barked a few orders to the rest of them to retreat and get you the medical attention you needed. It felt like hours until you got to the safehouse and let's just say Hoody will be needing a new hoodie for his collection; that is if he's not a great fan of bloody red.

'Bullets are still inside. Jack'd see it; it won't heal otherwise.' Tim says, ignoring your remark.

Hoody nods 'This will slow us down considerably. Bandage ger up and we must go.'

'She's lost much blood, we need to-'

'We need to find William as soon as possible.' Hoody interrupts 'Wrap her wounds and make sure she will not die.'

'______' Kate's voice breaks the dizziness and you notice her blurred figure lean down beside you 'How are you feeling? Can you stand up?'

Nodding, you offer a small ironic smile 'It's but a flesh wound. I'll Deadpool this fucker and be good to go.'

'Not this time, you can't.' she says 'We're far away from Master, so his healing powers work much slower.'

Bobbing your head again, you notice the black spots blooming in your vision as Tim pushes down harder on your woods. In all honesty, your limbs feel like lead and your head is buzzing.

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