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'how about a blue one? it's a darker shade of blue but still not a DARK blue' Saxa texted Elijah

'sure, Saxa, whatever you are happy with, you'll probably look good anyway' he answered, still not even a bit interested in what she was wearing

"I think Magne went to Isolde's thing" Laurits spoke up

"what thing?"

"the thing they did for her, it has candles and pictures and shit like that, I forgot the name, but I think he went there"

"oh, everyone's probably gonna go there, maybe not Fjor, he's more likely to shit there or something"

"I'm not going"

"me neither, I didn't even know her" Elijah said and Laurits nodded "she didn't seem terrible though" he said

"I think that might be the nicest thing you ever said about anyone" Elijah said, making Laurits laugh

"she's dead, I'm not going to say shit about a dead person" Laurits said and Elijah laughed a little "I'm sure you will at some point, dead people are annoying" he said, Laurits smiled and shook his head a little

"let's go" he said getting up, Elijah followed him out the door

they got to the party in the school pretty quickly, and as they both got in, everyone stared at them 

Elijah knew both he and Laurits were hot, and for one of the first times, he didn't mind having everyone stare at him, he actually enjoyed it a little, and Laurits clearly loved the attention

"wow" Saxa said as they approached her and the rest of the group, Laurits smirked and Elijah rolled his eyes before walking to Oscar and getting the small bottle that Elijah was sure had something alcoholic, and even though he had no idea what it was, he drank some of it before giving it back to Oscar who was smiling a little

"where's your brother?" Hilde asked, Laurits shrugged

"we- we were just talking about Isolde" Jenny said, looking down sadly, Elijah sighed, not to be rude, but he absolutely hated how everyone was grieving so much

"yeah, well, we should go, my mom will make a speech" Saxa said and the others nodded, going to where the main part of the party would be

"Welcome, everyone, to the school's annual spring party" Ran started her speech, the one Elijah couldn't care less about. He was sure there would be even more grief, besides the usual boring shit

So he decided he'd gain more by not even trying to focus on it, it was easy, considering how hard he had to try to actually focus

he only tuned back in when Saxa started to sing, having to try VERY hard not to laugh when Magne got in and everyone stared at where the sound of the door came from

after it was all over, Laurits walked away to get a soda or something, so Elijah stayed with Fjor, much to his annoyance.

"so, when are you two getting together?" Fjor asked and Elijah flipped him off, before glancing at Gry, then looking back at Fjor "she doesn't seem very interested in you, Magne kinda caught her eye, didn't he?" Elijah said, knowing Gry actually did have a small crush on Fjor, but it was funnier to say this. Fjor and Elijah had always loved to annoy each other, they were kind of like Tom & Jerry.

"fuck you, man" Fjor said and Elijah shrugged "don't like the truth, Fjor? cant deal with a broken heart?" he asked, pouting mockingly

"believe me, I'm great with dealing with those, I've broken several myself" he answered 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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