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Biology class. Now, this was a class I could get on board with. Mike brought me there, of course, trailing beside me like a lovesick puppy. I couldn't stop seeing Edward Cullen's pain-stricken face in my mind's eye, though, as he talked and talked the whole way to class. I wasn't listening. He introduced me to the teacher, who had a fan on in the classroom despite the rain and cold outside.
"Oh, yes. Mr. Swan," the teacher said. Walking in front of the fan with a smile on my face, I glanced across the classroom at Edward, who sat alone. Oh, my. It looked like the only available seat. My hair blew in the breeze, as I walked in front of the fan, and Edward suddenly gave me that pain-stricken face again. He tensed up in his seat, reaching up a hand and blocking his nose. My brows furrowed. Did I smell or something? I had had a shower that morning, though.

I looked down, astonished by his reaction. I handed the teacher my pass, accepting the stuff I would need for the class that he handed to me. He lead me over to the seat beside Edward Cullen, who was still blocking his nose. I felt shy, awkward, embarrased. The teacher began to speak, informing us of what we would be learning about that day (flat worms) and I watched as Edward slid the glass across the table to me, all the while blocking his nose. I pulled my sleeve up around my hand when he looked away, sniffing. It smelt fresh, it had just been washed the night before. Looking across the table, he had removed his hand - but he looked like he was about to puke all over me.

He stared at me for the entire class. I felt humiliated as he jumped up out of his seat as soon as the bell chimed, running out the door as fast as he could. I picked up my textbook, cleaned off the desk and then headed to the office. He was there. As I opened the door, I overheard him practically begging to be moved out of the class.
"There must be something else. Physics? Biochem?"
"No, every class is full."
The lady smiled at me, "just a minute, dear."
I stared at the back of Edward's head, angry by his reaction to me. I didn't smell. I had showered, and my clothes were fresh and clean. What was his problem?!

He tensed up, noticing I was there.
"I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology," she told him, looking at a book filled with the classes and all the students within them. He looked over his shoulder at me, almost angrily. I stared back at him with a hurt and angry expression. I wasn't usually one for getting cross, but I couldn't help it.
"Fine. . . just, I'll have to endure it" he said, grabbing his backpack and slipping past me quickly. He pushed open the door harshly, then disappeared from sight. I watched him leave, grinding my teeth a little bit. I scoffed as he disappeared down the hallway, then angrily left the office - going the opposite way from him.


Charlie met me at the local café after school for dinner. It smelt like a mixture of fries and beer in the diner, but it was pleasant. I ordered a burger and fries, which I ended up devouring. I was so hungry after being so mad all day that I didn't eat. The waitress recognised me from when I was a kid. Again, she didn't seem surprised by my transition. I was beginning to realise how lucky I was to have a supportive and proud dad like Charlie.
"I just can't get over how grown up you are," she told me with a grin on her face, "and so handsome."
I wasn't used to hearing that, so I didn't know how to reply. So I didn't.
Another male apporoached us, "Hey, Blaine. You remember me?"
I looked to Charlie awkwardly. I didn't remember this man.
"I played Santa one year," he explained.
"Yeah, Waylon, he hasn't had a Christmas here since he was four."
"I bet I made an impression, though, didn't I?"
"You always do" Charlie said, clearly hoping to usher him away.

"Butt-crack Santa?" the waitress giggled. I giggled too.
"The kids love those little bottles, though," Waylon said.
"Alright. Let the boy eat his garden burger, Waylon," the waitress said, strutting away and pushing him with her, but not before telling me she would bring me my favourite dessert, Berry cobbler. She informed me that Charlie still had it every Thursday. Yeah, I was really lucky.
"Thank you, that'd be great," I chuckled. Charlie started to eat, ignoring what she said.
My food was gone within minutes, and then I enjoyed my nice cobbler.


Later that night, as I did my homework in my bedroom, mom called. She missed me so much, I could tell by her voice. It was sad, yet she sounded excited to be talking to me. I wanted to cry the minute I heard her speak.
"Hey, baby. So, listen. If Spring trainign goes well, we could be moving to Florida."
The automated female voice prompted her to insert a dollar twenty-five for an additional three minutes. I smiled.
"Mom, where's your cell?" I asked her.
"Okay, don't laugh at me, I didn't lose my power chord, it ran away."
I chuckled, I loved her humor.
"Screaming," she continued, "I literally repel technology now."
I continued to laugh, "I miss you."
"Oh, baby. I miss you, too. But tell me more about your school. Now, what are the kids like? Are there any cute guys?"

I bit my bottom lip. I didn't want to talk about it with her, I didn't want her to know I was unhappy here already.
"Are they being nice to you?" she asked, prompting me with so many questions.
I scoffed, "Well, they're all very welcoming."
She could sense the sarcasm in my voice. "
"Uh oh. Tell me all about it." "
"It doesn't even matter," I said, slamming my textbook closed as I finished my first assignment.
"Yes it does, honey."
"Um, I have homework to do. I'll talk to you later" I said in a moody tone. I just wanted to talk with her normally, about old stuff. Not this shit.

"Okay, I love you" she said softly. I knew she didn't mean any ill will, so I wanted to let it slide - but I was just cranky.
"Love you, too."
Hanging up my cell, I ran my fingers through my brunette hair and my mind immediately travelled back to Edward Cullen's intense gaze. He had looked like he wanted to kill me. Like I had done something wrong, like I had murdered his family or something. I hated it, so as I sat there thinking, I decided that I would confront him about it the next day at school. I was going to stand up for myself for once in my life. I had to, or they'd walk all over me. 

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