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August, 10, 2014

I wake up to a knock on my door. I slowly open my eyes, and sit up then yawn. "Come in." I say still half asleep.

"Hey Dakota." Brady says walking into my room. I lay back down then roll over so that my face is in my pillow.

"Yes Brady?" I ask. I sneak a peek at my clock, and it says that it's 12:00. Oh wow I slept in late. Probably from all of that crying.

"I uh came here to say sorry for acting like a total dick to you, and not letting you explain what happened." I roll onto my back. I just keep looking at the ceiling, and don't say anything.

"Dakota please say something." He says walking over to my bed, and sits down.

"I have nothing to say."

"Dakota don't give me attitude. I'm trying to be civil here." He says.

"And I don't want to talk." I say flipping onto my stomach again.

"Dakota look at me." He put his hand on my shoulder. I stay turned around.

"Don't make tickle you." He said.

"You won't. I know you won't." I say turning around.

"Try me." He says. I sit up, and kiss him. Our lips move in sync together. I know he is mine. You could say it was written in the stars, but there are shooting stars who take away your star, but in the end that star will still be there. That's how I know he's meant for me. All relationships have their ups, and downs. Ours was just a little chip. I finally break away to breathe.

"How am I supposed to be forgiven with that kiss?" He says. I kiss him again he lays me down on my bed still kissing me. I move my lips to his neck. I love him without a doubt. My hands move up to his hair while he takes his turn kissing my neck. I just lay there.

"Brady I-." He doesn't let me finish he just hushes me. I just lay still there while he kisses my neck. His lips are soft. His lips make their way back to my lips. This day could not get any better. I finally let go.

"I love you." I say, and kiss him again.

"Sweetie I made hot ham and cheese if you'd like some!" My mom yelled. I let go, and started laughing.

"I think that just ruined a perfectly good moment." I say. He just laughs, and kisses my forehead.

"Now how about we go eat those sandwiches."

"Yeah kissing is exhausting ." I say while he chuckles.

"For you maybe I could kiss you all day." He says. I peck his lips. We get off my bed, and head down stairs. We walk hand in hand to the kitchen.

"Hey Brady I see you cleared everything up." My mom says as we walk into the kitchen.

"Yes mrs.Cooper." He says sitting down at the table. I say on the chair next to him.

"Well I'm glad 'cause guess who had to cheer her up." My mom said pointing to herself on that last part. Then brought us our sandwiches.

"Mom shut up." I say.

"How many tubs of ice cream was I worth?" Brady asked intrigued by my side of the break up story.

"Let's see," my mom says tapping her chin."you were worth ten tubs of ice cream, and that was just in one day. May I also recall her watching the notebook all day." He looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Is that so?" He asked. I just nod my head then start eating my sandwich quietly.

"And with how much she cried huh I swore she was dehydrated."

"Mom please stop it." I say looking at my sandwich. I didn't want Brady finding out how much I missed him.

"Wow." Brady replied in shock. I just finish eating my sandwich in silence while Brady and my mom made fun of how I was handling the break up. Once I was done I got up, and went upstairs by myself. I sat on my bed until Brady walked up.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" I just shake my head and look the other way.

"Dakota look at me." He said lightly putting one of his fingers under my chin, and turned my head to face his.

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't want you to know how weak I am." I say.

"Oh Dakota I don't think that you're weak." He says sitting on the bed next to me.

"Really? That's why you were laughing at me?" I say.

"I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at your actions." I turn, an kiss him. I really don't care if he was laughing at me, or at my actions. I just wanted him to think I did. He lets go first.

"I have something for you to make up the dance." He says taking my hand.

"Do you have a speaker?" He asks.

"Yeah let me get it." I say going over to my closet. I grab my little black rectangle speaker, and hand it to him. He plugs in his phone and starts playing just the way you are by Bruno mars. He puts both his arms around my waist, and I put mine around his neck. We start dancing. Once it gets to the chorus he starts singing to me. I start to laugh at him. I love this boy. I rest my head on his shoulder and just lay their with my eyes close. Once the song is almost over he spins me around. Once I'm back facing him I start kissing him. I can feel his lips curve into a smile as I do. I start making my way to my bed, and laid down. He his lips make their way down to my neck. I just lay there making deep breaths. He finally decides to kiss my lips again. When were both out of breath he lays next to me.

"I love you Brady Reed."

"I love you Dakota Cooper." We just spent the rest of our day watching movies.

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