💟I do💟 (Older lumity/boschlow)

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Characters are 18-19 in this one and this a proposal story! :D

Boscha's POV

I wake up at 7 am today, I graduated hexside back in June and it been pretty good the past few years. It been four years since I started dating willow, I get up from my bed and began to do my normal routine, me and willow are going on a walk tonight and I'm very excited for it. I have a surprise for willow tonight and it's super special for me, I plan on asking willow to marry me tonight which will be at the place we had our first date. It was a walk and we star gazed for a while and it was amazing as I put my hair in a bun I hear my phone buzz it was a message from my flower.

My flower🌹:Hey my sunflower we're meeting up at the tree we star gazed at right?

Me: Yep!

My flower🌹: alright! :)

😏Epic time skip😏

It was around 7 pm when I started to get ready. I changed into some black jeans with a white shirt and I also put on my grudby jacket. I grabbed the box with the ring inside of it and stuffed it into my pocket. I went downstairs to leave since it was a 30 minute walk to get there, I grabbed my ear buds and put on Sofia by Clairo, I started walking to the area where me and willow had our first date. It was a cold night with the moon shinning really bright. 

I think we could do it if we tried
If only to say you're mine
Sofia, know that you and I
Shouldn't feel like a crime

I reached the hill where our first date was, I walked up there as I waited for willow.

30 minutes later

I see willow walking up the hill, she's in a black shirt with a pretty green skirt with her white shoes. She smiles at me as she walks over to me as I smile softly back at her "Man Will you look amazing tonight." I said kissing her forehead as we hug each other "You also look amazing tonight too." She smiled as i blush chuckling "I know an amazing area to star gaze. Wanna go there?" I asked willow as she nodded her head as she takes my jacket off of me and puts it on her. We begin to walk to the spot I was going to propose to her. We find it about 10 minutes later. It was right next to a river as we lay down on the ground watching the stars with willow next to me. I wrap my arm around willow as she purrs nuzzling my cheek "This spot is amazing Boscha." She said as she scoots closer to me. "It is." I replied back as I got up with willow confused on why I was getting up. I reach my hand out for Will as she takes my hand as I help her up. "You got this Boscha just ask her." I thought as willow looks at me confused "Will?" I said "Yeah?" She replied "we've been together for four years and I know we've had our ups and downs but I wanted to ask you something." I said sound hella nervous "I know silly and what is it?" She smiles. I get on my knee "Willow park?" I asked "Yes?" She replied, I grabbed the box as I took a deep breath taking the box from behind my back "Will you marry me?" I asked opening the box with a emerald ring.

Willow's POV

Boscha just fucking asked to marry me!? Tears rush to my eyes happy ones "Yes!" I said tackling her into a hug, I hug her super tightly as I sob into her shirt "I love you willy." Boscha said running her fingers threw my hair as we hear a voice yell out.

Luz's POV

"Congrats you two!" I yelled out as amity chuckles as Boscha look over at me "Have you been watching us the whole time!?" She yelled out "No! We weren't!" I yelled back "We!?" Boscha yelled as willow tried to calm her down. Me and amity stepped out "we were actually trying to get to an area like this when we stumbled upon you guys." I explained to Boscha "Oh well sorry both of you, there's another area down there if you wanna check it out." She said pointing behind her. "Thanks Boscha" I said as I ruffle Boscha hair and run off with amity on my back. We found an open area that was pretty far away from Boscha and willow. I put amity down as we begin to talk "Hey Amy I'm getting married and I would like if you could came." I said smiling at her, she looked heart broken which made me feel kinda sad but I knew what I was doing. "Oh well congrats when is it." She said her voice sounded super sad. "July 14th! I would love it so much if you came!" I said "As a bride maid?" She asked "No." I said as she looked at me confused "As what?" She asked "My wife." I pulled out the lapis ring I got for her as she stared at me as she hugged me, tackling me to the ground kissing me "Of course!" She smiles as I put the ring on her finger as she stares at it in awe. She purrs as we cuddle in the grass "Do you wanna tell eda?" I asked as she nodded her head as I stand up with amity refusing to let go of me. "Come on Amy I can carry you on my back." I said as she fake sighs "UGGGGHHHHH FIINE I guess I caaaan" she whines as she lets go of me as she gets on my back.

Time skip

Eda was inside cooking when we walked in as amity gets off of me dragging me to the couch for cuddles. Eda walked in and smiles "Hey kids how are you?" She asked "We are good." Amity said. "We saw Boscha proposed to willow on our way to a really pretty forest." I said "Aww good for them!" She said "Wanna tell her Mits?" I said smiling "What is it?" Eda asked "Me and Luz are getting married." Amity said as Eda stops playing her card game with owl Bert. "You are!?" She said shocked as king walked downstairs "Luz is marrying amity!?" King said wagging his tail. "Yep." I said as Eda smiles "Congrats you two!" Eda said hugging both of us as my phone began to ring. Eda stops hugging me as I answer my phone hearing my mother voice "Hola hija." She said as I rested my phone against my ear as King snuggled me, "Kid who are you talking too?" Eda ask "My mom" I mouthed at her as I continued to talk to her with amity leaning her head on my shoulder. Eda snatched my phone and walks away as I sit there confused as I hear Eda talking but I ignored it. King looked at amity and walked over to her snuggling her. I wrap my arm around Amity's shoulder, I kissed her forehead "Love you goma de mascar." (Gumdrop). Eda walks back in about 20 minutes later and hands me back my phone "Who were you talking to?" I asked "Your mom!" She replied "Wait you know my mom?" I said "Yep! One time when I was little I stumbled into the human realm and met your mom." She explained. "Did you tell her everything that happened?" I asked her "Yep! But don't worry she is proud and happy of you." Eda said. "Me and amity are going upstairs night Eda." I said carrying amity up to my room where I finally got an actually bed. I take of my jacket and put it in my hamper. Amity lay down on my bed as I walk over to her laying on top of her snuggling her. "Goodnight love." I said kissing her lips "Goodnight to you too." She replied as we both fell asleep.

Words: 1375

Next one will be a wedding and i feel a lot better than a few days ago! Updates every day from now!

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