chapter 4 (mall)

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Summer is still around this time, the sum shines, the heat is mildly intense, sweat is pouring from people who walks outside to get to work

At corryn's house, corryn was absolutely sweating, her ac was broken so she only had two fans, yet she's still sweating from the heat.

Just then, Corryn grabbed her phone and saw that the beach was open, what luck she thought, going to the beach might help with the summer heat, alas corryn had no swimsuit to bring, her old one was already small for her

She had an idea, go to the mall and buy a new swimsuit, so Corryn called kaneko to tag along with her
Soon the two met up and proceeded to go to the mall

They arrived and corryn went to look for a swimsuit, the two went to a cloth shop and proceeded to look around

Corryn found the swimsuit isle and choose that would eventually fit her
"Say kane, would this look good to me?" Corryn asked holding a red bikini outfit, it's design pattern is based on a lingerie type
There we're frills under the chest part, a ribbon on the middle

Kaneko went red as she started to imagine corryn in that swimsuit but corryn snapped her hands that made kaneko return to reality

"Kaneko??", "H-hu-h??, oh yeah, I think it would look good on you corryn" kaneko said
"Why don't you find the dressing room and try it out"
So Corryn and kaneko went to look for the dressing room
Corryn went in and tried on the swimsuit that she picked

"So kaneko, do i look good in it, or is it too small for me?" corryn asked
"Y-yeah it suits you really well"kaneko replied

Kaneko was still steaming red hot due to the embarrassment of looking at corryn's body
Ofcourse she has some few lusty intentions but she will keep it for herself for now ;)

As corryn checked out, the two went to the food court to eat, played some games at the arcade and spent the rest of the day bonding with eachother

kaneko X corryn Where stories live. Discover now