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02 | King Caspian

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02 | King Caspian

After the shock of finding herself in a world that she only heard of in stories, and the fact that her cousins were also royalty in that magical world, Kya was somewhat fine. Her and Lucy were both led to a room by Caspian. It was quite a large bedroom, and Kya realized this must have been Caspian's room. He had given the two girls some dry clothes to change into, while informing them that they would be sleeping in this room during their stay. Caspian and Edmund though would be sleeping with the rest of the crew, and Kya assumed her brother would be doing the same.

Caspian walked towards the door, leaving the girls to get dressed. Kya watched as he did so.

How much Kya wished she could speak, she had so many questions to ask. She moved her damp clothes to the side, alongside Lucy's. Kya changed into a loose white button top, it was fairly big on her, considering that it belonged to Caspian. The belt around her waist was tightened a lot for it to fit her.

"Caspian seems to have taken a liking to you." Lucy smirked, tying her hair to the side.

Kya looked at her confused, her eyes narrowing at the young girl. She searched the room for anything she could write on. In the corner of the room there was a wooden dresser, and atop it was a pad of paper, a quill and a bottle of ink.

Kya rushed over to it, dipping the quill in the ink before writing it down quickly onto the paper. She lifted it up to show Lucy, "what do you mean?"

"I mean that he kept looking over at you. It was like he was trying not to make it noticeable." Lucy walked over to the long mirror on the wall, straightening her clothes. "He was never good at hiding his feelings."

Kya was even more confused than ever, Lucy had to start explaining things better to her. Kya barely knew the man, yet Lucy was convinced that he fancied her or something.

Lucy noticed Kya's confused stare, she remembered that she didn't go to Narnia with the last time. "Sorry," Lucy quickly apologized, fully facing Kya once more. "you see we've been here before."

"I kinda figured that one out."

"Just let me finish explaining, okay?" Kya nodded. "We'll, two years ago, Edmund, Susan, Peter and I were brought to Narnia. Though that time it was through a wardrobe." Kya sat on the bed, trying to pay attention to Lucy's every word as she explained their first time in Narnia. "We were crowned the Kings and Queens, but then fifteen years later we left by accident. All four of us had to wait another year before we were brought back by Aslan. When we were there, we met Caspian."

Most of Kya's answers were answered by Lucy's explanation, which seemed to be quicker than she thought it would be. Though she had one new question that was unanswered.

Kya dipped the quill into the ink once more, writing down her question. Lifting the pad of paper up for Lucy to read. Written in neat handwriting it said, "If all four of you were brought to Narnia both of the times you've been here, why aren't Peter and Susan here now?"

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