2. My Mission

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this is like the time frame of pre civil war. I'm altering time a bit so, civil war is going to take place their freshman year, but their second semester. Homecoming will take place in their sophomore year. (if your out of the u.s. I'm not sure if all the terms are the same) but this time will be in like January.

Kaia's POV

Freshman year

Lately things have been oddly tense between everyone and I'm not sure why. I have tried to talk to my dad about it, but he just says it's nothing too important. I mean, dad and Steve aren't talking very much, and come to think of it, it's kind of like we've been separating a bit. At our weekly dinners, the past couple of weeks, Steve, Sam, Bucky, Clint and Wanda have all sat on one side of the table, and Nat, Vision, Rhodey, and I at the other. Pepper and dad being at either head of the table.

Tonight's dinner was really intense for some reason. it kind of scared me. I mean, I know families fight. I've seen it on tv and we have all had our fair share of "family" fights, but I can tell that this time, it's different.

I just don't know why.

The arguing started when dad took a bite of his hot pocket that was way too hot. "ah shit" he mumbled and drank some of his water. "language" Steve said trying to make a light hearted joke.

"oh for crying out loud stop it with the "language" Steve. it was hot!" my dad rose his voice. "well i mean you've got a kid sitting right over there, she's a bit young to be hearing that type of language" Steve started.

"uh, I'm 14 Steve, its okay." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Don't go and try to parent my kid Rodgers. She's fine." then they went on and on and on.

why are they being so overdramatic? it was just one measly word. I wont be able to handle it if they all keep acting like this. They've all been getting worked up over small things and I'm getting tired of it.

"Well I'm pretty full" I interrupted the conversation- well, argument briefly. "So im gonna go to bed early tonight, 'night guys" I stood up and walked to my room. I walked over to my bed and dramatically launched myself onto it.

I drift off to sleep, thinking about what could possibly be making everyone so mad at each other. 


I wake up to a very annoying alarm. I hate that clock. Ivy better not be playing a joke on me because this really isnt funny.

Can A.I.s even choose to pull a joke like that on their own? Ivy actually might be able to. Dad and I programmed her after all.

I roll over to look at my alarm clock sitting on my side desk. Its five thirty in the morning.

Dad must be doing something and probably needs my help. Because I didn't even schedule an alarm.

I finally got up and walked out of my room. I walked down the hallways of doors until I got to the kitchen. Sure enough, there was Dad sitting at the table eating waffles. He looked at me after a few seconds of me just standing there. 

"Good morning Kaia!, hope you slept well because I have a fun surprise for you." 

Was dad finally going to let me go on a mission?? Maybe all those training sessions with Nat will finally pay off

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