3. Student Guide

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After what seemed like the longest car ride ever (which only turned out to be like 30 minutes), we finally got to my new school. Midtown School of Science and Technology. It looked like the stereotypical high school, from people blasting music from their cars, to people catching up with friends to see what happened over their winter break. There were many groups of students walking into the school. It looked like there were so many people at this school, so I think that i'll be able to blend in perfectly, because who even wants to pay attention to the new girl when you already have your own friends? 

I just hope these classes are mildly interesting.

As I finally get out of the car, people start to shoot me looks. Crap. I decide to pay them no attention. I walk up the stairs and go inside.

The school is huge. I have no idea how to get to the office. I would ask someone, but everyone seems to be in conversations with their friends. Which is exactly what I was expecting. I'm already blending in. I find one person who just happens to be at her locker by herself. I walk up to her and clear my throat.

"Hey, I'm new here and I need help finding out where the office is."

She looks me up and down. "Alright come with me I'll show you."

We walk through a bunch of kids, and a couple of hallways. I'm never going to find my way around here.

"Alright, this is it." She said as she awkwardly gestures to the door.

"uh thanks.."

"Michelle." she says.

"yeah, thanks Michelle" I tell her before walking into the office.

I walk up to the receptionist and ask her for my schedule.

"what's your name honey?"

"uh Kaia Williams."

"Alright. Just sit down on that chair and your student guide will be here shortly." she said after handing me my schedule.

Ugh. a student guide? I figured I would just ask Ivy and find my way around here. but I guess a student guide couldn't be that bad.

After a couple of minutes, a guy walks in. He looks really familiar for some reason.

"What's up Ms. Almanza. Where's that kid I gotta help show around today. Are they not even here yet? That's kinda embarrassing for them."

"She's right there Flash." she said before rolling her eyes and turning her attention back to her computer.

Flash? like Flash Thompson? oh my gosh!

"oh. my bad." he said as he turned around and walked over to me. "hi I'm Flash Thompson and I'll be your- wait. Kaia?"

I stood up and gave him a hug. "oh my gosh! its been forever since I've seen you!"

"yeah it has." he said as he looked me up and down.

"Sorry I was never able to say goodbye to you. I've always wondered what happened to you."

"yeah well, after you left, I kinda got more into sciencey stuff since we always messed with stuff like that when we were kids. Then after a couple of months we moved to New York.

"Well then. Isn't it funny we both go here now." I said as we walked out of the office and into the hallway. That girl Michelle and two other random guys were all standing by some lockers and then watched us as we passed them. So much for blending in.

"uh did you see that?" I asked him as we passed the small group. "Why were they staring at us?"

"who was staring at us?" he looked at me.

You could call it love ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now