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    We look around and saw my siblings and dad with his mistress and Claire

    The twins immediately went to our grandparents

    That night was the wonderful night that I could wish for

[Skip Time]
    [1 year later]

    Last 4 months I graduate and I'm thankful that I graduate normaly not online cause of the covid

    This past few weeks my head hurts and I keep vomiting every morning but Jungkook didnt know that

Kia: mommy

    I look at Kia who's learning her module

Kia: how can you do this

    I sat beside her and teach her

    Kia was a smart kid and she's learning fast

    While teaching Kia I recieve a message from unknown

Lisa: did you gets it baby?

Kia: ne thank you mommy *kiss my cheeks*

    I smile at her and open the message


    Tomorrow at ***** meet me before 6

    And wae would I?

    If you didnt come I'll make sure to ruin your so called family.

    Ok I'll come

    It gave me a goosebumps and I felt like something will happen a bad one

Jk: jagiya are you ok *worried tone*

    I didnt realise that he enter here

Lisa: ahh ne *smile*

    I think I'll not tell him for now

Kia: mommy daddy I'm sleepy *yawn*

    He carry Kia and I stood up and he lay her down to her bed and sing a song for her

    After a minute Kia was sleep now soundly and Jungkook stood up and approach me after he left a peck on Kia's forehead

Jk: let's have fun tonight jagiya *smirk*

    I was about to say no when he immediately carry me and went to our room

    And you know what happen next

[Skip Time]

    I open my eyes when the suns light hit my face

    And I saw my boyfriend already staring at me and were still naked and under the blanket

Jk: good morning *peck my lips*

Lisa: good morning btw I'm going out later can I

Jk: no you know that there's still a virus Lisa so no

Lisa: I'm not taking a lot of time pwease *puppy eye*

Jk: no *serious tone*

    I took off his arms around my waist and got off after I wore the bathrobe and immediately rush to the bathroom and I heard him calling me but I ignore him

    Once I lock the bathroom door I vomit cause you know

    After that I heard him knocking on the door

Jk: jagiya sorry plss open this door and lets talk about that

Lisa: then talk to yourself *cold tone*

    I took a shower ignoring him knocking outside

    After I took a shower I wore my casual clothes and headed outside only to saw him still outside the door and once he saw me he immediately hug me but I didnt hug back btw he already wearing a bathrobe

Jk: mian ok you know I dont want you to be affected by virus

Lisa: I know that but this once I want to go outside too ever since this virus spread you didnt let me got out and as I promise I'll went home earlier

    I decided to hug him back

Jk: arasseo arasseo but you'll bring a 3 psg ok

Lisa: ne *smile*

[Skip Time]

     I look at my wrist watch and I still have 30 minutes and now I'm wearing a simple yet elegant dress And I'm inside the van wearing a mask with a 3 psg

     Once we arrive the place I look at the psg

Lisa: I can handle myself and the 3 of you wait me here and dont worry I'll not tell this to Jungkook

     They unsurely nod and I got off and headed inside and there's no people inside nor a cashier

    And I'm felling not ok right now

    I try to look around and I felt like someone was behind me but before I could turn around he/she put something on my nose and when I inhale it darkness start to eat me up but before I could lose my consious I heard him/her saying

???: finally I can tame my revenge to you Lalisa Manoban or should I say Pranpriya Manoban

-J U N G K O O K  P O V-

    I was here inside my officw at the palace and I felt like something will happen to my girlfriend

    My phone rang and I look who it was and it's a unknown number and of course curiosity is killing me I answer it


Jk: hello who's this

??: ohh you dont remember me Mr Jeon well let me say something to you your beloved girlfriend was on my hands now so if you really love her and ohh btw your daughter's mother was on my hands to and if you really love her go here at ***** alone remember alone if I notice that you bring someone one of them will die tonight

     After she yes she I recognise that the voice was a girl

    After she said those line she immediately hung up and at the same time Suga hyung enter

Suga: kook the 3 psg that with Lisa right now was found dead inside the van and Lisa was not there *panick tone*

Jk: hyung someone kidnap her and she called me hyung *my eyes got teary* I dont want to lose him hyung

Suga: does she gave you the address

Jk: ne and she also said that I should come there by myself

Suga: dont worry we'll plan about that

    I nod and he told me the plan to which I immediately agree if its the sake of my girlfriend I'll do everything

-L I S A  P O V-

    Once I open my eyes I founf myself in a dark place and there a light on top of my head and someone was infront of me

    My feet and hands are tied at the chair that I'm sitting and there's a cloth on my mouth too

    I felt like the person infront of me she's also tied up

    Once she rose her head I was shock to saw Celine there and she was shock too

???: ohh well the two are awake now and I want to start the play now

    Both me and Celine turn to looked to our side and I was morely shock to saw.....

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