Chapter 1

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"The day started like any other, Though only this mornings sunrise not its usual color but inflamed in a bright blue color. The color was brainwashing, it was a pretty blue that made me stare at it longer and longer though you knew you should run. The type of color, the type of blue flame if touched by skin even only a few seconds you would become one with the flame, disappearing not only from your own site but also the others around you. Nobody would remember you but the look of your face of the sight of the pretty, breathtaking blue flames..." I said.

My friend looked at me like I was crazy— The white mug slowly slipping through her hands almost falling onto the counter top. "Y/N.. I..." she stuttered over her words, placing the mug down on the table before running her fingers through her short brown hair like she always happened to do when she was either lying or nervous.

My name is Y/n l/n, I'm 22. I live in a world where it's normal to have amazing abilities like in comics and story tales. Though yes, There are people with amazing abilities who go around saving the world from people who use those powers in evil ways there are still people born without these abilities, or so quirks.

Or there are people like me, who end up getting half-ass quirk that neither help them in their normal day life or in the hero field.

My quirk is called 'Future Dreams' It aloud me to see in the future only for me for a few seconds to less than a minute at a time. You are probably thinking, This is an amazing quirk! but I only get to see into the future in my dreams. My sleep schedule depends on whether i see into the future (which i have been bad at keeping up with) and even when I go to sleep at a good time so i can dream— usually it's just me stepping in dog shit or me embarrassing myself in public!

Since the day I've gotten this quirk nothing hero-like has happened! The only dream I can remember that helped someone was when i saved a kids ice cream from falling onto me.

But now finally, In my 22 years of living I can finally say I have a dream worth worrying about! "So.. You had a dream of you seeing some blue flame in an alley and it surrounding you and killing you?" My friend, May stared at me like I just told her I drank piss for fun in my middle school years.

"Yes! I will die soon!" I said to proudly.

I stood from my seat, holding up my mug as if my last drink. "But guess what?' I asked her.

"..What?" she sighed.

"I will stop my killer and turn him in. The name Y/n L/n will be brought to everyone's ears and I'll get millions!"

"mhm, and how will you catch them oh so mighty future woman?"

Another reason why I never became a hero. I'm very stupid, I barely passed my classes with C's and I'm not athletic at all. I cannot even run for a few minutes without dying of air, panting like a wild dog. May and I have been friends since 1st grade when she beat up two boys who had a better quirk then me. May wasn't gifted a quirk but I would say she's still an amazing person.

She's very smart and fit, Unlike me she had always had perfect scores in all classes. Since she has been by my side for most of my life, She knows how stupid and reckless my quirk is which only makes her less concern about my dream.

What is also worth noting; Sometimes I cannot tell real dreams from seeing into the  future. tehe.

"I-I will work something out," I said shrugging it off. To be honest, not all of me believed myself either but I wouldn't tell may that. She would probably say something along the lines of see? you don't even believe yourself, moron.


The next morning I woke up without a dream or seeing into the future, Like it usually is after seeing into the future.— Usually they come and go without my control, sometimes they can be back to back and other times gone for a month or two.

The Moment I Fell For His Blue Flames | Dabi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now