Chapter 22

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Jannat Ali P.O.V
"Mommy where did you go? You know I missed you soooooo much" He said almost crying. I chuckled while tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"I missed you too my baby boy," I said before hugging him tightly. I pulled away and started kissing him all over his face. His laugh, his smile I missed all of it.

"Why did you leave without telling us?" "I'm sorry auntie, I was just... lost" I whispered but loud enough for her to hear. She held my hands and caressed them.

"Just don't leave again" I looked at her and smiled. I looked around the house but I couldn't see him, maybe he is at work. I sighed and looked at Zain who was playing with Maria's son.

"What did you name him?" "Hasneen" I looked at her and then at Hasneen, "Can I?" "O my God, of course, Jannat" She picked Hasneen up from the floor and I carefully took him from her.

"He is so cute," I said while touching his choppy cheeks. He giggled and put his hands towards my face, "No way" I looked at Maria and saw her shocked but happy.

"What happened?" "Since he was born, he doesn't like to be held except me. Even when mom held him he started crying" She said while smiling. I looked at him and smiled.

"You like me? Baby boy likes m-" I was cut off by the door slamming. Everyone was starlet, "Daddy!" Daddy? But Jack is right here? I was confused.

I looked in the direction where Zain ran off and there I saw him holding Zain in his arms. After a year I'm seeing him again.

He didn't change a bit, still those cold blue ocean eyes, he was still muscled. The only difference was that his dark golden blond hair had gotten longer and his beard was also a little longer.

"Daddy, thank you for bringing mommy back. I knew you would do it" What is Zain talking about? I looked away from him and looked at Arif and Jack.

"Jack, how is Haniya? I didn't see her when I went home" "Actually you should talk to her... She lives in an apartment near her workplace" He said while avoiding eye contact.

"She doesn't take care of Zain?" I asked while looking at Jack, auntie and then the others. I was still avoiding Makson but I could feel his case on me.

"She does... But, I think it's better if you both get to talk" Maria said while auntie nodded her head agreeing with Maria. I slowly handed Hasneen to Maria since he fell asleep.

"I will get goi-" I didn't get to finish my sentence since I was dragged away by Makson. He dragged me out in the backyard, "Why did you dra-" Before I could finish my sentence he hugged me tightly.

"M-Makson" "I missed you" He whispered while he tightened his arms around me. No, this isn't right... He pulled away and looked at me, "Sorry, I didn't mean to" He said and started looking around.

"I-It's alright" There was silence between os but I decided to break it. "So... How have you been?" "Good, I think" I nodded and we both started walking around a little.

"Why did you leave?" I looked at him and saw him looking down on his feet while walking. "After what happened, I thought it was best if I left... But here I am again... I couldn't keep myself away from everyone"

"And everyone is?" "My mom, Usman, Haniya, and especially Zain," I said and looked at him. "What?" "Aren't you missing a name?" I knew what he was talking about but I decided to tease him.

"Am I?" I tried not to laugh and looked away from him. "Maybe you aren't" I could hear the sadness in his voice. "Wait there is a person who I missed a lot"

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