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My clock flashed 6:30am as my alarm went off. I feel fully rested as i woke up. I walked into the kitchen and started to brew my coffee. I went back to my room and grabbed a band t-shirt along with black ripped jeans and my black platform boots. I packed my bags for school and grabbed a monster on the way out of the house.

I texted Olive wondering if she wanted me to pick her up. She said no and i frowned as she replied with "not today desiree already picked me up". I hopped into my car and put on the song "cherry flavoured" by the neighborhood. School was a 5 minute drive away. As i was driving i was thinking about how i miss Olive. We havent talked as much recently. Our texts grew dry. I soon arrived at school.

I went immediately to my locker and took out my books. It's the first week back to school and I'm already stressed out. I have a test on Friday about this stupid thing in history we learned. I soon quickly walked to my history class as the bell rang. The coffee and mix of monster buzzing in my system made me hyper focused. As i arrived into class i started jotting down notes so i know what to study if i even have time.

The bell soon rang once again. Its finally lunch and i meet up with the bois and Olive. Olive tells me shortly after that she is going to the football field. I sigh and watch her walk away.

"Hey Indigo" Malt says. "What was that about" he asks. "Just Olive ditching me as usual" i express sadly. "What even happened over the summer" he asks concerned. "Literally nothing than her ditching me". "Hey at least you have us" Marlow says as she butts in. "Yeah i love you guys" i state. "You guys up for practice today" Malt asks. "Totally its always fun hanging out with you guys" i say. "Gucci" Malt replys back with as he cringes. "Never say that again" i say as giving him the death stare. "Yes sir". We all burst out in laughter.

The last bell of the day rings as i rush out of the classroom. I wait for Marlow and Malt at their lockers. The M&Ms see me standing there waiting and as we start walking to my car Olive walks up.

"Hey guys. Where are you going" Olive asks. "We are heading to practice. Why'd you ask" i reply back with. "I was wondering if i could come with" she asks. I look at Marlow and Malt and they give the stare. "I dont think so today but tommorow we don't have practice so we can hang out then" i say. "Alright then bye".

I get in the car and put my playlist on shuffle and start driving to Malts house. I start over thinking the conversation we just had. Im glad she wants to hang out with me still but i just dont want her at practice as its distracting. Im also angry at her for ditching me constantly. I know we've grow apart but it feels like I'm the only one putting effort in.

I try to clear my thoughts as we arrive at Malts house. We decide to start with a few songs we know pretty well and then work on our own. One day we want to be in a studio producing our own music. Or maybe even on stage.

I pack up my guitar and drive Marlow home. Once i get home i see its 7:30pm so i decide to skate to the skate park. No one is usually there on Wednesday nights. As expected no one is there. Skating is like drugs for me. Its addicting and helps clear my head. I dont know what i would do without it. At around 9pm im sweaty and its very dark outside with only the street lights lighting up the dark street. I skate to the gas station to get a monster and go home. I take a shower and change into my pjs. I then collapse into my bed after a long day. Soon enough i fall into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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