chapter 2 - moving here?

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Kelsey pov

"I said I'll follow you wherever I go, didn't I?

"So I'll find a way, no matter what."

"Kelseyyy... Kelsey!"

"What what what!" I quickly snapped out of it and only for my eyes to be met with harsh lights coming out of the window and then realizing that I'm still on the couch.

Grunting, I push Vic away before pulling the couch blanket to cover my face. "What the heck Vic," I scolded. "What time is it?"

"The question is what are YOU dreaming of," she teases before standing to pull the curtains even further apart. "And it's almost noon you log."

Pushing the blankets aside, I peep out a little by little just so I could grow accustomed to the light before fully taking it off me. I have no idea how I end up sleeping on the couch but with my laptop still open and notes all over our carpeted ground, I can only assume I fell asleep after my extensive research last night.

Yesterday, after getting back from my interview I came back home to jump right into a warm shower and then pajamas before getting comfy on the couch to watch some basketball highlights and lunch.

I decided to watch the Knicks play since that will be the focus for my assignment and I have jotted down tons of notes that I will be needing some explanation and understanding of that I'm sure Logan can help me with.

"So what did you wake me up for," I questioned my roommate while rubbing the side of my head with the feeling of a potential headache coming. Not sure what time I slept but I'm sure she can answer it. "And what time did you get back last night?"

"Late. You were asleep when I got back around 4," she bends down to help tidy the papers. "Don't you have somewhere to be today? Something about a meeting at one?"

Oh my god, my project submission!

Jumping out of bed, I hug Vic tightly before running to my room to get ready. "You're a lifesaver!" I shouted and went ahead to get dressed.


"Two minutes till dateline Miss Hale," my professor looks at me unimpressed. "A second late and I would have to deduct 50% out of your final grade."

I plant a fake smile before placing the documents on his desk. "Well but I'm not late am I?" I answer and he tightens his glare on me. Honestly, I don't see why the deadline of this assignment had to be a few days before my internship, causing me to have no breathing air in between but that's NYU for you.

Professor Smith is probably my least favorite here but it's not like he would care, I bet the feelings are mutual.

"Always testing the boundaries," he shook his head and took the document in his hand. "I guess this will be the last time we will be meeting. Have you gotten yourself an internship?"

I remind him. "I will be seeing you in May I hope and yes I have landed myself an internship with the New York Times," I replied proudly and watched as my professor's face dropped. Gotcha.

"New York Times? Wo-wow that's really impressive."

I smirked at finally getting some recognition from his side and packed the rest of my papers into my bag. "If that is all, can I leave?"

"Certainly," he clears his throat. "Good luck with your internship Miss Hale."

With that, I wish him an early Merry Christmas and New Year before taking my leave. Great, I won't have to step onto campus for the next few months, and now that my end-of-semester assignment is over, another thing is off of my checklist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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