Prologue Part 2

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Zeno POV:
Without thinking much i jump outta the bushes im hiding in and run to the Miss. But instead of hugging her like I intended i crashed into her.


My head hurts alot but i still cant stop smiling im still super excited for my mate. 'Oh the miss is staring at me i. . .didn't notice' without warning i get up and hug miss yona with all my might apologizing.
After that the miss says we should be heading back so we do the whole way there I'm thinking about who the one person who will truly love me will be like.


??? POV:







'. . 1. . .time for the final boss. . .' i think as i turn to look at the boss, the one person i was hired to kill in the first place.

"p-p-please!! i-i have a f-family! A-a w-wife and s-s-son p-please i n-need to make it back to th-them!!!. . . .please...i-i l-love them. . ." He begs just like all the rest.

'tch, should've figured he'd be no different'

"LIAR!!!. . . your family will be better off with out you anyways, especially after what you did to them. . ." I say lashing out a bit on accident in the beginning but still pulling off what i was trying to accomplish. I can tell he's shocked and a bit angry but i guess with the change from yelling in his face to creepily calm whispering in his ear scared the shit out of him cause thats the majority of what i see in his eyes right now. Well that and anger but it doesn't matter what he says or how he feels what's done is done there is no righting his wrongs. However that doesn't mean I can't make him repent and get revenge for those who can't take it themselves.

"I can pay you DOUBLE! What the other guys are- NO TRIPLE to let me live and kill them instead!"

"Not interested. . ." I reply immediately monotone as ever.

"Listen here you ba-"

". . may the gods have mercy on you for I shall not. . ."


He just lies motionless, paralyzed since I just broke a critical bone in his neck. In most cases it would cause death but I'm an professional so I know how to do it just right.

'There goes his cervical vertebrae next is his arms then foot'

Crack! Crack! Craaaccckkkk!

'His screams are annoying' I thought

"shut up your gonna be dead soon anyways" I speak in my monotone voice. As much as I love torturing those who deserve it he's just being aggravating and obnoxious. What does he have no pain tolerance?

After I finish breaking each limb I dislocate both shoulders and knee caps as requested and go for the kill.


'Ugh blood is such a pain sometimes but hey that's why we have gasoline isn't it'

"You know if you weren't so rash you wouldn't have to be committing arson right now. . . Right?"

"Hmm I actually don't know maybe you should have stopped me or you least helped!" I yell to who's behind me.

"Now why would I do that when you were taking care of all the work for both of us. Plus you needed to blow off some steam this was the best way to let you blow your fuse." He says.

I don't even have to turn around to know he shrugged like the know-it-all he is.

"Oh shut up Jay! It's not my fault they were talking about those wretched people! No! They're not even people they're vile beings who are the bane of my existen-"

"Shh. . . Shh. . . It's okay no one's here everyone is dead your fine you don't have to worry about any of those things again they haven't even been seen in years and their leader. . .YOUR leader is long gone. . . Okay shh" Jay interrupted me and my rant by hugging me from the side and whispering soothing words.

I calmed down and smiled a little. This is me and Jays relationship in a nutshell we're totally against each other one minute and the next we're right by the other's side protecting each other against anyone and everyone even ourselves. He's always there for me and never lets me go off the edge and I do the same for him.

"Want some help with the lighter fluid?"

"Why won't you just call it gasoline"

"Because I like lighter fluid better now give me the damn can and grab some rocks"


We let go of each other and I give my brother the canister to pour. When he's almost done I grab the rocks I had on me incase it came down to something like this. He finishes with the oil and heads towards the door to wait for me. I hit two of my rocks together till they spark and the oil catches aflame.

I run over to Jay and he wraps an arm around me in a side hug as we walk out leaving all of the evidence and bodies to be turned to ash in the high concentration fire. He drops his arm and we walk side by side back home. Unfortunately we have to make a pit stop before then. . . .


"You did fast work with your last mission. That's certainly interesting" ??? Said.

"Yes, this is us you are talking about what did you expect" Jay stated emotionless but I could easily tell he was a little offended.

"Nothing less of course. . . Your next mission will require no action...less need be, all you have to do is locate the target follow them for 4 weeks for information and bring back a lock of the targets hair as proof of them being alive"

"Understood targets name and last known whereabouts."

"Former Princess Yona of the Sky Tribe, last known whereabouts last seen on the northern outskirts of the Suiko kingdom. There is a warning stated in the file however she may be traveling with 5 other high class warriors that have taken out many fleets of soldiers alone. It is confirmed the Thunder Beast is one of the five. If all are his equals on the battlefield it is recommended that you both stick to a stealthier strategy."

" we are most gracious for you giving us the warning of these five beasts however your concern is unneeded we are perfectly capable"

"Who said I was concerned I was simply reading the file. You may start your search for the target tomorrow when the sun reaches over the mountains peak. You are dismissed."

"Yes sir" Jay said.

"Yes sir" I spoke for the first time since getting here.

We walk out the door and start to read over the files we've received well more like stole from the desk and his hand but that's the status quo in this industry. We are less picky if the pay is good on an intel mission because generally if someone puts in a request for such a thing it's just a desperate person searching for possible future whereabouts or proof of life.

"Well. . . You wanna go back to the inn or sleep under the stars?"

"As much as I love the night sky screw it right now I wanna bed" I reply sluggish today was such a bother.

"Inn it is then. . . Come on get on my back it'll be my way of making up for not helping today"

"Aww how sweet. . . But I'm still telling Onii-Chan and Uncle about what you did."

"Damn it. . . Have mercy"

"Mercy?? What's that mean?"

He chuckles," You know. . . I don't know either let's go home"

"Yea. . ." I trail off before going into a light, half-conscious sleep.
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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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