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Chapter 6

"I...I..I'll have to think about it." I muttured looking away from his sky blue eyes.

I heard him sigh and walk away. "You're leaving?" I whispered narrowing my eyes on his back. I cringed hearing myself, so weak.

"My wolf.. he's.. I have to leave." He sighed walking back to me. "Please." He whispered kissing my forehead before walking out of my front door.

I frowned and slowly walked to my front door locking it.

'Why did you do that! ' my wolf growled making me cringe.

'We need to make sure he wont hurt our pups' I growled back.

She growled lowly but submitted. She knew our pups were more important than our mate.

"Mommy." I turned away from the door to my twins standing in the hall in their pjs.

"He made you cry." Joey growled narrowing his eyes on my own. Instictively my hand wiped away the unknown tears.

"He would never make mommy cry! He's mommies prince! Right mommy?" Zoey grinned.

I smiled and walked to my babies. "Why are you two awake?" I asked narrowing my eyes on them, avoiding their questions. It would be to hard to explain everything to them right now.

"Zoey came into my room because she had a nightmare." Joey shrugged. Zoey glared at him and elbowed him. "I did not!" She pouted. I laughed and grabbed their hands and lead them into my room.

It was clear that one of them had a nightmare. That means sleepover in mommies room. "Jump in guys." I smiled nodding to my bed.

Immediatly they launched themselves onto my bed. "Be right back." I smiled grabbing a large black shirt that belonged to Jacob before washing my face and brushing my teeth. After I finished I pulled my hair into a bun and pulling on the shirt before walking back into my room.

I pulled back the covers and laid inbetween them. "Goodnight babies." I yawned kissing the both of them on their cheeks before falling into a deep sleep. Caleb could wait. Right now I just had to worry about my kids.

'Bzzz.....Bzzzz.....Bzzzzzz' I groaned and reached over Zoey to grab my annoying phone. "What? " I growled not even bothering to glance at the caller id.

"Aria?" My cheeks pooled red when I realised who I snapped at. "C...Caleb." I stuttured slowly crawling off the bed. Being carful not to wake up Joe and Zoe.

"Come to the door." He simply said before hanging up. I frowned down at mt phone before stumbling out of my room and made my way to the front door.

I slowly opened the door and blushed at the sight in front of me. There stood Caleb in a fitted black t-shirt that showed off his killer bod, and lightwashed levi jeans with black vans. Something so casual only he could make it seem so ... sexy. His brown locks were messy, like it has always been. And his blue eyes shinned with happiness.

"Breakfast." He grinned holding up bags and a tray with two coffees. "Come in." I blushed stepping to the side so he could walk in.

"Are the twins awake yet?" He asked setting down the bags and tray on the kitchen table before turning to face me.

"Uhh, no. They should wake up soon." I blushed pulling down on Jacob's shirt. "Whose shirt is that Ariana." He asked narrowing his eyes on the shirt.

"Mine." I lied. No way in hell would I willingly tell him it was Jacobs. He already thinks I like Jacob. He sighed and rubbed his face. "Sorry." I shook my head and gave him a small smile. "Its okay."

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