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Chapter Thirty Five

Ariana Belle

Blood coated the cement, intoxicating the air around us.

Blood from Heath's pack - from my own.

All of this because of Heath's obsession. Looking around the mess of blood, injured wolves - I spotted my mate on the other side.

Fighting the man who had told us that the plane was under attack.

Caleb's grey t-shirt was now smeared with blood and ripped showing off his tanned stomach. Tiny pale pink scratches were visible as he fought Heath's pack.

He was quick, even in human form.


Snapping my gaze away from my mate, I swiftly moved away from the attacker. Making him slip and crash onto the floor.

"You bitch." He growled jumping to his feet. Rolling my eyes I caught Henry's glare.

"How's the bite?" I smirked making sure my bloodied fangs were out to view. I could see him shiver in fear as he glanced down at his bite.

It was already spreading up his arm - heading to his heart.

A vampire bite to a wolf was deadly. I could only imagine how Heath was dealing.

"I'm going to kill you!" He shouted running to me changing midway into his wolf.

Blurring to the side, I kicked the side of his wolfs dirty brown head. Hearing the distinctive crack of his bone I smiled down at him.

"Come on, puppy." I taunted giving him time to stand to his paws.

With a low growl he stood. His jaw was open, uneven and a few of his teeth were knocked out.

Huh, I could get used to this vampire strength.

Once again he rushed head on.

What kind of pack did Heath have!

Taking ahold of his head I twisted until I could hear the crack and his large body became limp in my hold.

One bite ...

No. I have to keep my head in the fight.

Throwing him to the side I began making my way to the middle of the fight. Ignoring Caleb's growl of warning.

My thoughts were on one thing.

Take down Heath. And his pack will stop.

"Ariana stay back!" Jacob shouted fighting his way to my side.

Hissing at him I pushed my way through. Making sure to snap as many of Heath's packs bones.

Keeping it only to their legs and jaws.

I just had to get to Heath.

This would all stop.

"Ariana!" Hissing I snatched my hand back from their hold, ready to slit their necks.

"Stop!" Cringing away I looked up to meet her glare. The woman who had came with Caleb.

Her long brown hair was tangled with leaves and coated with blood. Her clothes remained untouched like she wasn't fighting and her eyes were flashing between black and red - just as mine had.

"Stay behind me. I'll lead you." She commanded before fighting her way through the mass of fighting men.

The way she fought could only be described as graceful.

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