An Unforeseen Alliance Part 17

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   When morning finally came, we had to hurry. We had a lot to get done, because Dan and my mom were anxious to get down to the courthouse to get the wedding ceremony done. We spent time getting the house in order, where we all took on a chore each. I made the beds, my mom washed the breakfast dishes, while Chris and Dan went around the house straightening things up.

   Even when we got done, we still had to wait for Gunnar and Malakai to get to the house, so we could get to the courthouse. Thankfully, they were on time, so we all jumped in our cars, heading into town. When we arrived, finding a place to park was a challenge, because the parking lot was very small, but we all managed to find spots to park. We went inside, waiting to be called for my mom and Dan to get their marriage ceremony done. 

   We were called in ten minutes later, then it was off to the races! The ceremony itself was very simple, but also one of the most beautiful things I'd ever witnessed. My mom and Dan exchanged vows, then once the judge made it legal, they kissed. After we were finished, and their marriage certificate was handed to my mom and Dan, we all left the courthouse for home. When we got back to my house, everyone else went inside, but Gunnar said he wanted to talk to me.

   We went to the back of the house on the back porch, since we knew it wasn't lunchtime yet, so no one would see or bother us. Gunnar sat me down in the seating area my mom made with a couple of wicker chairs, near a table, also made of wicker. Then I watched, as Gunnar looked into my eyes in a way he'd never done before. Then I watched as he took my hand, and began to speak.

   "Mike, in my first year at your school, I have never met anyone make me feel so welcome, not to mention so loved as you have. I know we had a rough start due to a misunderstanding, but you have made me feel feelings I've never had for anyone in my life since coming out. That's why, I have something I want you to have." Gunnar said.

   I watched, as Gunnar pulled out a small box. Gunnar smiled at me, handing me the box, telling me to open it. When I opened the box, I was stunned to see a gold ring with a heart shaped design on the top. Inside the heart, were all the colors of the pride flag, going in a diagonal fashion. I looked back at Gunnar, but felt confused as to what the ring meant.

   "What does this mean?" I asked.

   "It's a replica of the ring my father gave me as a special gift after I came out to him. I wanted you to have your own duplicate of it, so that when you look at it, you can think of me, and how much I love you." Gunnar said.

   I wasted no time, jumping into Gunnar's arms, happily accepting his gift. I never knew he could be such a sweet guy until getting to know him. It was at that moment, that I knew I was with a guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But then something came to mind that I hadn't thought about after receiving the ring.

   "We haven't had our first date yet." I told Gunnar.

   "I don't care." Gunnar replied, "I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you Mike, I have no doubts about that whatsoever. You've made me the happiest I've ever been."

   Gunnar and I hugged again, but then after we hugged, we paused, looking into each other's eyes. Before I knew it, I was met with the softest kiss, I have ever experienced. Nobody knew better than me, what a gentle soul Gunnar was. He really turned out to be the kindest guy I'd ever met, and I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with him, no questions asked.

   When Gunnar and I went back inside, his father told us that they had to go, because school was coming up the next day, but not before I showed off the ring Gunnar gave me. Malakai knew the whole time that Gunnar was going to give me the ring, so I literally got a huge hug from him, being picked up off the ground, I couldn't wait to have Malakai as a father-in-law. 

   Finally, everyone who had gone to the ceremony with us had gone home. Dan and Chris were going to move in with mom and I in a couple months, but they had to get their house sold first before they could move. I was very tired that night, so going to sleep was quite easy. As I went to bed that night, I easily fell asleep, not knowing of the trouble that was going to arise the next day.

   Thankfully, with both issues, Gunnar would handle BOTH like a champ, on top of handling something that wasn't necessarily an issue, but something we didn't expect.

   TO BE CONTINUED.........................................................................................................

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