An Unforeseen Alliance Part 11

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   Morning finally came, but I did not want to go to school at all. Unfortunately, as most mothers do, mine made it where I had no say in the matter, she insisted I go to school whether I wanted to or not. I finally gave in, got up, got myself ready, then went to wait on the bus. When I boarded, Jamie got on ahead of me, but saved me a spot next to her so we could talk on the way to school. 

   "Are you okay Mike? You don't look good." Jamie said.

   "I didn't sleep a wink last night, I was too upset about Tim." I replied.

   "You have to accept that he's gone Mike, it was out of his control. He couldn't help that he had to move, his father wanted to make a better living for his family." Jamie told me.

   "I know, but it still hurts Jamie! We were going to stay together forever!" I replied, trying my best not to cry.

   Jamie gave me a hug, trying to keep me calm, which thankfully worked, until I got to school. Chris wasn't there that day, because he was sick, so I was pretty much on my own trying to deal with losing Tim. When I went to my first three classes, I couldn't concentrate on anything, but I had to do my assignments, so I did them to the best of my ability. Finally, when I got to Mr. Cole's class for fourth period, I went in the classroom to get ready to try to get through class.

   However, when Mr. Cole saw how I looked, he somehow knew there was no way I would be able to get through it. Apparently I looked as bad as I felt. He wrote me a pass to go see the school nurse, but I gave him my homework assignment before I left, so I wouldn't fall behind. Mr. Cole took it, then sent me on my way. I got about halfway to the nurse's office, but then I felt the sadness build up from losing Tim again. I sat down by a row of lockers, then I just broke down.

   As I sat there bawling my eyes out, thankfully in a hallway that was nothing but lockers, and nowhere near any classrooms where I could be heard, I heard footsteps coming up the hallway, but didn't look up to see who was coming. I just sat on the floor, continuing to bawl my eyes out, I was missing Tim that badly. I could hear the footsteps get closer, until I finally heard a voice say something.

   "Are you alright mate?" the voice said.

   The moment I heard the voice, I knew the person had an Australian accent. The accent wasn't so thick that you couldn't understand what was being said, but it was pronounced enough that you knew where the accent came from quite easily. I looked up to see a guy I had never seen before, so right away, I knew it was the new student. He sat down next to me, clearly looking quite worried. At first, I wasn't going to tell him anything, because I felt like it wasn't his business, but then my brain thought otherwise, and I started telling him what happened.

   "I'm sorry to hear that mate, that really stinks." the guy told me.

   I told him I needed to go to the nurse's office. He himself was going in that direction, so he walked with me, we talked the whole way down with his arm draped around my shoulders. I got a good look at him as we were walking, he was only about 6 feet tall, but boy was he big, having to be every bit of 330 pounds, but what a nice guy he was. His hair was shaved on the sides, but what hair he did have, was black to dark brown, curly, and went down to the top of his shoulders in the back.

   Before I went inside the nurse's office, he introduced himself.

   "My name's Jonah, if you need anything, let me know, okay um....... what's your name?" Jonah asked.

   "Mike's my name." I replied.

   "If you need anything Mike, I got you." Jonah replied, "Everything is going to be fine."

   Jonah gave me the biggest hug, then sent me on my way into the nurse's office. I no sooner went through the door, she looked me in the eye, and the first thing out of her mouth was, "Why did your mom send you to school? You look awful!" 

   The nurse even took my temperature, and believe it or not, I actually ended up having a fever of 101.8! She had me lay down on one of the beds that was in the back of the nurse's station. As I tried to get some rest while waiting on my mom, I saw Jonah come back to the nurse's office, asking if I was still there. When the secretary that worked there said I was, he asked if he could go see me real quick.

   "Please make your visit quick Jonah, you really should be in class." the nurse said.

   Jonah came back to see me, kneeling beside the bed, taking my hand, even he somehow knew I had a fever, even though he didn't know the first thing about how to check for one, my palms were that sweaty. As Jonah and I were talking, Dan walked into the nurse's station, coming back to get me. 

   "You okay son?" Dan asked.

   I just shook my head no, I couldn't wait to get home. Jonah had to rush back to class, but before he left the nurse's station, he gave me a hug again, giving me well wishes, then handed me a piece of paper with his phone number on it.

   "If you need anything, call me, alright mate?" Jonah said.

   I nodded to Jonah, who smiled at me, then he left to rush back to class, then Dan and I headed to his truck so he could take me home. Dan had to take me to his house, since my mom was at work. Dan was on his day to work from home, so going to his and Chris's house worked out so mom could stay at work to make some extra money.

   Chris was still sick too, so both of us spent the rest of the day sleeping. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I slept clear up until my mom came to pick me up, which was at around 4:30 in the afternoon. She took me home, then tried to get me to eat something, but food was the very last thing on my mind. I slept another hour after I got home, then since I had my own phone line in my room, I called Jonah.

   I no sooner dialed the number, that the phone on his end only rang once, and Jonah picked up. Once he knew it was me, he asked me how I was feeling. 

   "I'm doing better since I got home." I told Jonah.

   "Glad to hear that mate, glad you're feeling better." Jonah replied.

   Jonah and I talked on the phone for four hours, which took the conversation clear up until 9:00 in the evening, then Jonah had to go, because it was time for bed. That night, after talking to Jonah, I slept better than I had since the school year began. I was actually well enough the next day, that I was not only able to go to school, but I WANTED to go, because I wanted to see Jonah again, I just had to.

   And judging from how Jonah reacted when he saw me the next day, the feeling was more than mutual.

TO BE CONTINUED.........................................................................................................................

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