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This is Yizhan Mpreg Fanfiction Winner Booklist

Yibo as Top And Zhan as Bottom

Yibo as Father Zhan as Mother

Romance fanfiction:

1. World Apart pricelessjew

2. At your Service uniqsoul321

Science fanfiction:

1. A Beta's Alpha AlteregoF

Fantasy and adventure fanfiction:

1.  Untamed Love LoveWangxian2003

Horror and paranormal fanfiction:

1. Fire & Ice LovelyBearXXX

2. WangXian- A New Chapter LoveWangxian2003 

3. My Professor's Little Secret potaethoe

Hello Writers,

Hearty Congratulations !!!

Before it was planned to give goodies as per category but now, read carefully, now you can ask for your favorite certificate as well as a badge, yes, both of your choices, for your book. They 'were' category-wise before but now you can choose.

All of you, I mean the winners mentioned above have to send me your email id in the message box (message format given below, so type like that) and I'll send your certificate + badge to all of you within 10-30 days.

I am telling you to message because email is sensitive information, you shouldn't type in the comment box.

<><><>Message Format:

1. Name of Book: ____
2. Certificate I want: Choose any One: Check Ch 'Goodies'
{ Lotus Pod ; Emperor Smile; Bunny Lamp; Incense Burner; Sacred Ribbon; Tiger Seal; Curse of Love; Wuji }
3. Badge Color I want : Choose any One: Check Ch 'Goodies'
{Purple; Green; White; Red; Yellow; Blue; Black}


More winners are to be announced soon... Stay Tuned!!

Type your Query/Confusion/Doubt in the comment section only!! 

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