When I was a child, I had quite the amazing life. I was optimistic, happy-go-lucky, and quite energetic. My mom owned 2 cats, Susan, who was 10 years old when I was born, and Abbey, who was 2. Susan died in 2013, and Abbey died in 2012. My dad walked out on me after I was born, and the last time I truly saw him was when I was 5 years old. Since my dad decided to be selfish and leave, my grandpa (Gramp) was my father figure throughout my childhood. I used to take walks with my grandma (Nan) and Gramp almost every day, because my mom had a full time job which required her to drop me off at my grandparents house to play with them every day. One thing I will never forget, is playing "Bear cave" with my grandpa. That game required us to build a little fort out of the couch cushions, and I would hide and try to get away from the bear (Gramp). When I was 3 years old, I went on my first vacation. It was to Santa Fe, New Mexico. I got sick on the trip as my mom tells me now, and all I remember is that it was very snowy, and we went to a dinosaur exhibit.