Chapter 25

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 I was once again in the middle of a blood battle field, I look around me. I don't see Jen anywhere. Then a bright orb was in front of me, it begins to float away and stops and waits for me. It wants me to follow it. 

I do, I look at my surroundings. Blood and death, it's just everywhere. I kept on walking, I was in the forest where Brea hid her childling. But I didn't stop and kept on following the orb, and somehow I was at the castle where the Crystal Of Truth was in front of me. 

It was dark only the Crystal was present. I look around and saw light, I look over it was the emperor's chair and someone was sitting in it. I walk up to them and realize it was me, the darkening was all over me, I walk backwards.

I then heard crying and look over and see older Jen holding someone, I walk over. "Kira," he said, I look at the girl. Is she? "Kira please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone," he said to her. She wasn't responding, I wanted to comfort him. 

"Why are you showing this to me?" I ask, no responds from anyone. "What is it are you trying to tell me?" I asked again no answer, "Are you trying to scare me?" I asked, Nothing. "Warn me?" I ask asked, Silence.

"You want me to stay away from him don't you?" I ask, I then look up at the crystal. "Funny because didn't you tell me to take care of him as well?" I ask, no responds. "If staying away from him will make these visions go away I'll do it, but Mira please rest," I said to her.

Mira was sitting on top of the crystal just staring at me. I begin to walk away when she throws a sword near me to stop me. She knows what I plan to do, I look at her. "Don't stop me just leave me alone," I tell her. I then walk around the sword and leave.

I open my eyes and look around me, I then get up and get dress and quietly walk out of the house trying not to wake anyone up. 

It was night time so everyone was asleep, I then exit and made it outside. I look around and then put my hand on my necklace and look at the cave. "I'm sorry everyone I know you want to help me, but I need to do this on my own," I said and removed the necklace and dropped it to the ground and kept on walking. 

I know where I need to go, and no one not even the darkening will stop me. I going back to the Sanctuary-Tree. 

AN:Would you all believe me that I made this chapter without making notes!

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