Chap twelve

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I wasn't alone in staying in Narnia, they kept their high King also. Peter married the star a month later and the orphaned Gael stole his heart just as much that she was adopted by the couple, getting to grow up with her cousins. Peter arrived home the day before our family left forever. It hurt to say goodbye but it was bitter sweet since Diara's fever broke and the traditional Narnian festival took place that night to welcome the new princesses. There was music and dancing and gifts and speeches and commitments- very like a marriage. The dwarves granted them their first crowns, made small enough for their little heads but it was promised they would be carefully expanded to always fit their little heads.

It turned out not to be the last time we say Lucy and Edmund. We set out the following year to take on the Kraken and awaken the enchanted lords only to find our brother and sister- along with awful cousin Eustace- in the very middle of the ocean. And so Diara and Inara got to meet their family again and we got to here of home. A very great lion had come to our Father in a dream and told him he would not see us again and for some strange reason he believed the dream. It still hurt severely when he learned it was all true but he understood though he never disclosed the dream.

It has now been four years since that day. I have two happy little girls, identical in every way but one. Diara has kept my blue eyes where as Inara's gained Caspian's black ones. They have a darkish brown hair colour and are always happy, always curious- they didn't find it difficult to take to the water either, just like their Father.

They have blood cousins now too, Peter is the proud- if not a little overly- father of a baby boy named Toby age two and a newborn named Percy. Both are blonde and blue eyed like their parents making Gael the odd one. She now knows because of her adoption she can never be Queen but the eleven year old doesn't mind, simply enjoying her cousins and brother's alike. We often have Caspian's cousin Azoray too, Caspian wanted him to keep some of his telmarine culture and being raised by centaurs he wouldn't learn it otherwise. I am glad to say that he has become his cousin'a type of telmarine. Azoray is brave, honest and good- for a five year old.

Diara has shocked us all by learning to walk, it happened this summer and we expected she never would. She can also speak some words and is beginning to learn some understanding of toilet training. She is suffering from a severe development delay but there is now reason she can't catch up- she does have determination from both sides of the family after all. The condition in her arms and legs have stayed the same. I had seen children like her though if there was a name for that condition I didn't know it.

As for siblings? I have carried three times since they were born but no baby so far has made it into life, I'm glad I have two children even if I will suffer from many more losses. We had a girl, Guinevere, she was very close. A full grown little tot who we lost during her birth, a tradgedy but she is now in Aslan's country with the Grandmother who would have loved her and the bravest mouse I ever knew.

From one month to the next everything can change, anything can change and does amongst our small family of four and our vast family that is the whole of Narnia. No one can ever tell what the next few months can bring.

Susan Pevensie (High Queen)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2013 ⏰

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