Meat Cute (pun >:) )

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It's been a while since you've been in Liyue, but you're glad you're back. As you walk through the harbor you smell something so familiar and delicious. You're following the scent when you remember, it's none other than the Wanmin Restaurant! Your face lights up with joy as you approach it only to find that there's a ridiculously long line. This was sort of expected, but still, it disappointed you. Even with the long line you were determined to get some of Wanmins boiled fish, your mouth begins to water just at the thought of it. You hurried over into the line before it got any longer. Without realizing you accidentally cut in front of a man. You feel a hand roughly grab your shoulder turning you around.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? I've been waiting for 15 minutes now and you think you can just skip the line?" The man was clearly very upset at your simple mistake. You could feel his anger and impatience in the air. Maybe he was having a bad day? Because of his little outburst the people around you look to see what's goin on.

You turn around and quickly apologize, after all you did cut in front of him. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you in the line I'll move." You look down and try to move behind him. Since you were looking down, embarrassed of the scene you caused, you didn't see the tall man standing there. Bumping into him, you look up and notice the handsome dark haired man standing before you.

He moved back a little allowing you to go in front of him. With a gentle smile across his face and gestures for you to move. "You can go in front of me, you seem like you are having a little trouble up there." He let out a little laugh.

Still red faced and even more embarrassed now, you find yourself more and more flustered by the second. "I didn't mean to bump into you, I'm sorry. And I'm alright I'm sure you've been waiting for a while too so I don't mind moving further back." As you said that you looked around him and noticed how much longer the line had gotten. A wave of dread washed over you, all you wanted was a snack.

"No please, I insist, the line has gotten much longer. After all you were here before me." He smiles again. You can't help but take his offer. "By the way my name is Zhongli."

"It's good to meet you Zhongli, my name is (y/n). Thank you for letting me get in front of you." You smile, can't help but feel your heart race a bit. Something about him is so warm and gentle yet strong, maybe it's the way he's dressed, or the kind look in his eyes.

"Oh, (y/n) what a beautiful name, you're not from around here are you?" He looked intrigued, he wanted to know more about you. Being a stranger from another land seemed to peak his interest. Breaking eye contact he looked up and pointed ahead of him. "The line's moving."

Turning around to move forward so the people behind you don't get upset you tell Zhongli, "No, I'm not from here." Once the line stops you turn back around to face him. Not wanting to continue with this conversation you quickly change the subject. "So, what are you getting? Do you come to Wanmin Restaurant often?"

Zhongli looked at you for a second, he noticed how you changed the topic but he went with it anyway. "Hmm, I have not been in a while, what do you recommend?"

"Well I get the boiled fish but-" You keep talking and talking about the food here while Zhongli just listens. Without realizing you've made it to the front of the line.

A familiar voice greets you. "What can I get for you? Oh, (y/n) it's you, long time no see. Do you want the usual?" It's Chef Mao!

"Yes, of course. This time can I get two?" You wanted Zhongli to try the boiled fish as well, you had the spare mora.
"Alright two boiled fish, coming right up!" You and Zhongli patiently wait for your food.

The tall man looks down at you and smiles. "Thank you by the way. Are we going to eat together? I do enjoy your company."

Feeling the butterflies in your stomach and your heart start to race. You begin to feel flustered, your face can't help but to blush. 'A handsome man asking to eat with me???' You thought. Your mind was racing and you spat out the first words you could think of. "O-oh ummm. Y-yes I'd like that." You touched the back of your neck and felt your face grow warmer by the second. You were so caught up in the moment you didn't even realize Chef Mao had the food ready for you.

Zhongli notices your bright red face, then sees the food. He reaches over you and grabs it. "Our food's ready, (y/n)." He told you in a sweet voice.

"Oh, I didn't even notice I'm sorry." You turn to Chef Mao and pay, thanking him for the food. You and Zhongli begin to walk towards a place to sit.

"Don't be sorry, that was cute." Zhongli knew what he said, he wanted to see your reaction. You don't say anything back, you just smile. Not that you didn't want to, you couldn't. Anything you would have said back would have come out as one word. Your mind was racing. 'HE CALLED ME CUTE!! AHHHHHH' was the only thing going through your mind. The only thing you knew is you wanted him to say it again. 

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