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 You found a place to sit. Talking for a while and laughing. Zhongli enjoyed the food you bought him, but he enjoyed you much more. You guys lost track of time chatting throughout the evening, the sun started to set. The two of you looked onto the beautiful sun set only for it to be interrupted. Out of nowhere the rain started to pour down.

He took off his jacket and held it over your head. "Come on, let's get under something." He said as you both stood up and tried to find some coverage. His jacket is still over you. Zhongli was so warm, you couldn't help but move closer to him. Before you get too wet you guys make it under a market stand tent. It was just the two of you, everyone else was already inside. You're still standing so close. Noticing you shiver he puts his jacket onto you.

Staring out into the rain too embarrassed to look up at him, you thank him. That's when you feel his hand under your chin turning your face up towards him. "You've got rain all over your face." He softly remarked. "Allow me." His tender eyes looking deep into your soul. He wiped away the rain drops. All you could do was stare. He was a man you had just met only hours ago but you felt so safe and relaxed with him. His hand still under your chin you felt his other hand on your lower back. Pulling you closer to him, your hands still holding his jacket on you, the space began to close and quickly. This felt as though it was moving too fast but you didn't want it to stop. Before you knew it you felt his lips against yours. They are softer than you could ever imagine. He was so gentle and passionate, you wish you could stay in his arms forever.

You looked up to him, meeting his eyes. "Z-zhongli-" you quietly uttered, no other word could come out. The only thing on your mind was how beautiful he was and how you wanted more of him.

"Was that too much?" He was concerned he was moving too fast for you. "If you ever feel uncomfortable (y/n) please-"

You cut him off. "N-no of course I'm not uncomfortable. I just didn't expect such a..." With every second that passes by you find it harder and harder to resist him. Something about him was so alluring to you. It was clear he felt the same. Zhongli moved his hand away from you and looked down somewhat shamefully. A wave of concern flushed over you. "What's wrong?" Your mind started to wonder if it was something you had done.

Looking back toward you he clears his throat and replies, "I-I haven't been completely honest with you (y/n). There's something important I need you to know." You could feel how quickly he got serious. This worries you.

"W-what do you mean...? Were you not honest?" You feared what he would say next.

Zhongli took a deep breath in and looked you in the eyes again. They weren't as gentle as they previously were. "I'm not human, see (y/n) I'm a dragon." He looked at you afraid of how you'd react.

"D-dragon..." You were confused, but ultimately relieved. That's when you noticed his face remained as serious as he was, maybe even more. His eyes now piercing into your soul like daggers. That's when he said it...

His voice is smooth yet sharp. He uttered the last words you wanted to hear. "I'm dragon deez nuts across your face." And with that he left, you never heard from him again. 

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