Chapter 10

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I have returned. I am back. You may celebrate.

My hands scramble over the bedside table like tired spiders, searching for the alarm to cut off the happy screeching. It's 6am and I forgot to switch it off yesterday. Kat moans from the mattress on the floor.

"My head hurts, shut up."

"Sorry!" I whisper.

She groans, pressing her pillow over her head until I finally manage to end the piercing noise. Forgetting to turn off the alarm yesterday was a terrible mistake; I'm not going to be able to sleep now I've been reminded of Harvey. He's taking me out, as in, a date. Or is it even a date? This is so confusing, damn it. My stomach starts to twist into knots as I anticipate what's sure to be one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. How am I meant to last 5 hours until he picks me up? I spend the next two hours running over scenarios in my mind repeatedly, getting more panicked at every fictional scene until I can't bear it anymore and end up waking Kat up at 8. Or trying to.

"I have food." I offer hopefully, "And painkillers, and chocolate."

She mumbles something incoherently and turns away from me, tucking her head under her arm.

"I'll let you choose what I wear when I'm out with Harvey." I suggest as a last resort, although at this point I'm not sure if I'd rather she woke up or stayed asleep. She makes the decision for me, pulling herself up on her elbows and muttering obscenities, rubbing her temples.

"You promised me painkillers."

"They're right here." I chuckle, handing them to her along with a small bottle of water. She takes the medicine and sits up against the wall, finally opening her eyes properly.

"Let's get this started." She grins manically. "After breakfast of course." She tacks on as an afterthought.


It's ten thirty, and Kat has finally finished playing Barbie with me. Her long, thin fingers have plaited two strands of hair and joined them neatly at the back of my head with a black ribbon tied in a bow, and although she still insists that it's not perfect, it looks really pretty to me. My legs are clad in dark skinny jeans, with long black boots which give the illusion of slimmer thighs. The last part of the outfit is my soft black sweater, which gently clings to my torso.
I've only got mascara and lip balm in terms of makeup, which Kat surprisingly agreed to.

The clock now reads 10:50 in blinking green digits. Only ten minutes left. Ten minutes. That's nothing.

"I'm not ready for this." I voice aloud. Kat rolls her eyes.

"Yes you are. It's normal to be nervous. Now shut up or you'll do something stupid that you'll regret, like backing out of this."

"Okay." I purse my lips nervously. I go downstairs, sliding on my sleeveless navy parka.

"Going somewhere?", a voice says from behind me.

"Um yeah. Harvey's taking me out.", I say, turning to see my brothers sitting on the sofa, just in sight through the doorway at the end of the corridor.

"Really, now?" Luke asks. "Really?"

Something about the way he's saying it makes me doubt he's actually asking the question, more like he's trying to act like he can give me permission. How cute.

"Yep," I shrug nonchalantly, the doorbell ringing as I finish enunciating the word. "Bye!" I chant happily just to tease him. I practically skip to the door, flinging it open to reveal Harvey on my doorstep.

"Well hello there. Someone's happy today.", he grins. I flush red, embarrassed that he saw the act I had put on for my brothers, although I'm pretty excited for today.

"Just proving a point. Let's go." I smile, tugging him out the door before my brothers can make fools of themselves. They'll try to act like tough older brothers, and I internally laugh at the image. "Bye, guys!" I call over my shoulder.


"No you didn't!" I gasp, laughing hysterically.

"I did. You should've seen her face!" He grins.

"Poor Cleo." I say sympathetically, still laughing.

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad!" He defends himself.

"Well, no, but it's still mean.", I giggle.

"No it's not." He states, sticking out his tongue at me.

"If that's what makes you happy." I tease.

Our laughter fades out as Harvey leads me to a bench at the side of the square. It's already five - we've been out for six hours. I have no idea why I was worried; it worked so naturally, the playful banter, the teasing.

"I had a really good time today." I say truthfully, my gaze cast over the typical London scene of Covent Garden.

"Me too.", he smiles, winding his fingers through mine. "Again, I'm sorry about yesterday. I just... I really like you, Thalia."

I lean forward slowly, eyes flicking down to his lips. He slides his hand to my jaw, hesitantly glancing at me as if asking for permission. Our lips brush softly, then his press more insistently onto mine as he winds his hands through my hair. His other hand is warm against my waist, and I feel him smiling. After what feels like forever but also like half a second, he pulls away, resting his forehead against mine. He brushes back a strand of hair that fell into my face.

He gently kisses my forehead and pulls me to him so I'm facing the cityscape, curled up in his arms. Neither of us says anything as we watch the dispersing groups of people, vanishing around corners and into cars until we're the only ones left, other than an old man packing away his flower stall. His weathered hands work methodically yet carefully, as if each individual flower means the world to him. He glances over in our direction, a smile deepening the creases by his eyes, which are filled with an old wisdom and kindness.

When we decide to leave, we pass his delicately perfumed stand. He reaches behind the makeshift counter, halting us with his hand, before holding out a pristine white rose.

"A rose for the beautiful couple," he says, with a mildly Italian accent. "May you always be as happy as you were this afternoon."

"Thank you," I smile, genuinely touched by the simple action. He waves me off and carries on picking up the displays.

So yeah. Hi
I'm sorry it's been so long.
Don't attack me with your worms (only one person will get this, don't worry)

Voteeeee plleeeeaaaaasseeeee ily
Alice xxx

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