Moe x Reader

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(made by twink lollll also sorry it's not super romantic but)


Another long and boring day in Springfield. The sky was a stormy evening gray, thick clouds stretching just barely out of sight. It felt and looked like a storm was coming, but Y/N figured it wouldn't come. At least, that's what the weathergirl on Channel 6 said. She wasn't known for being accurate.
The person sighed to themselves, lost in their thoughts and hands in their pockets as they kicked a small rock along the empty sidewalk. It wasn't long before they felt the cool rain starting to fall on their head.

"Great." Y/N muttered to themselves. They looked around for some shelter, but all the shops were pretty much closed, save for one building across the street. Moe's Tavern. Without hesitation (after looking both ways of course 😜) Y/N ran to the entrance of the run-down looking bar. Stepping inside, they noticed it was especially dark, dingy and smelt like decaying dreams- no, that smell was just the pickled eggs. They had been in Moe's before, but not very often, and usually not without someone else.
Their eyes met the barkeep and owner of the bar, Moe.

"You jus' gonna stand there or can I get 'cha somethin?" The tired looking man asked.

"Uh," Y/N awkwardly chuckled and sat on a barstool, "No thanks. I just needed to get outta the rain." Moe huffed and muttered to himself in annoyance.

"Yeah yeah, can't catch a break in this dump...what am I, a storm shelter?" he grumbled under his breath and wiped a stain off the table. He must've thought no one could hear him. Y/N quickly tried to change the subject.

"So...Moe, right? Pretty uh..Nice place you have here-"

"If you're tryna get free drinks, butterin' me up won't help." Moe quickly cut them off, sounding irritated as usual.

"Oh! No no, I dont need any drinks." Y/N replied, forcing a small chuckle. As they looked around the tavern, they realized just how, well, dirty it was. They weren't grossed out or uneasy at the sight, rather they felt bad for Moe. It must've been difficult to keep up with cleaning, especially since he seemed to be the only one working here. Then, the younger person had an idea.

After a long, awkward pause between the two, Y/N broke the silence.

"So...Moe, you're the only one working here?" They asked. Moe raised an eyebrow and leaned on the counter closer to them.

"Yeah? What's it to ya?"

"Well, uh...Maybe I could help you? Y'know just..around..maybe with cleaning.." Y/N nervously asked. Moe looked as grumpy as ever, but he seemed to be considering it. After a while, he finally responded.

"Eh, why not." he shrugged. "But you're gettin' at least three bucks below minimum wage and it'll be under the table, got it?"
Y/N nodded eagerly. They didn't care about the money, they were just hoping for something to do on the side. Plus, it made them feel better to know they'd be helping Moe. Without thinking, they hugged the bartender. Moe was surprised, he couldn't remember the last time he got a hug. It was nice.

Y/N noticed he froze and quickly let go. "Sorry-"

"Nah, don't apologize. It's fine." Moe cut them off. His tone still sounded stern, but to Y/N at least, he seemed just a little more content.

As the rain poured and the minutes went by, Y/N and Moe had become used to each other's company and chatted for what seemed like hours. For the first time in a long time, Moe felt happy. He had a new friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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