I saw the wound clearly now that the Nith had mostly cleared, and the overwhelming presence with it.

Her torso was bloody and there was a large gash on her left side of her chest, I had already felt her pulse and though it was slow it was there.

Her being alive felt wrong, I did not have clear memories of what I had done, all I know is that I was responsible for the injury I saw in front of me, but I felt that whatever I had done should have been fatal though I have no idea why.

I took another look at Misaki's unconscious body and knew I couldn't do anything other than tie one of the blankets around the wound to stop the bleeding. I needed to get help for her and fast or I would have my...

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My first murder on my hands.

I tied her onto her horse, thanking Donna's quick thinking in packing a rope with the rest of the stuff she sent with us, then got onto my horse and awkwardly turned her horse with mine by grabbing its reins with me left hand.

Now I had to choose where to go, I knew there was a good doctor back in Careyath just a few blocks from the inn, but it would take a lot of time, or I could look for the Mysterious healer that apparently lived in the woods nearby, almost no one except the desperate went to her, she had a certain reputation, though I had no idea why.

The only problem would be finding this woman, I knew the general area where she was supposed to be, but I had never asked anyone for the specifics.

A sudden cough broke my train of thought and a splatter of something hot and wet hit the back of my neck, I reached back and whipped it away with my hand, when I brought my hand back in front of me, I saw blood, and looking back towards where Misaki was tied to the Horse, I saw her convulsing in a coughing fit blood flying out of her mouth at every wretched cough.

I made my decision then, she either needed a healer soon or she would need a priest later, so I turned our horses to the forest and started the ride.

It was a couple hours before my luck sprang on me in the form of a cabin behind a ridge so as to be hidden from my view until I was right beside it.

It was a homely looking place, not large but I almost wanted to live in that over any castle or mansion.

The look of the place made me again question why this healer had such a bad reputation, I had never heard the specifics of what the men who came back from her place said, and every time I asked people suddenly looked uncomfortable and would not say a word though I had almost gotten it out of Hadley when he was drunk before he reached for me which caused donna to hit him hard enough to knock him out cold.

I knocked and as soon as it opened, I got a sneaking suspicion why especially the wives of Carita hated her.

The door opened to reveal exactly what I had not expected.

She was beautiful and did not look to be a day over 25 when she saw me her face went from a bright smile to a Neutral face, not mad or anything just not happy.

"Hmm a girl, to bad I got exited for some fun when I heard your knock."

I blushed, guessing at the meaning behind those words, I almost felt like leaving but a retching cough from behind me hardened my resolve.

"My friend..."

She had already rushed over to the horse, and untied Misaki quickly carrying her into the cabin, I followed not knowing what else to do.

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