Above the Clouds

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Light Spinner lay on the sand. She skipped class that day, but it didn't bother her this time because she knew she'd get nothing out of it. The others would be spell casting that day, something she couldn't yet manage. She'd decided her time was better spent on the beach, when it was unoccupied, than in a class she couldn't even learn in.

She cocked her head when she heard footsteps behind her. It didn't take her long to figure out who was coming towards her. It could only Norwyn, nobody else would approach her, though she would have preferred it to be anyone but him.

"Light Spinner. I knew I'd find you here."

His calm voice carried no sinister tones, a mask of deceit to hide the fury he always showed her. The footsteps stopped behind her, and she twisted to face him.


Her greeting was met with a cold stare, which she returned. Then he smiled at her, though it never reached his eyes.

"Have you learned nothing? I thought I taught you respect."

His mocking brought her annoyance, and therefore, defiance. Certainly not the respect he lectured so often about.

Norwyn pursed his lips, then seemed to make up his mind.

"Maybe you need another lesson."

She had only a faint idea of what to expect, but she wasn't giving any time to react. It took him only a moment to prepare his spell, a kenesis spell, if she'd learned anything in her classes.

Her suspicions were confirmed when she felt her body freeze, then move. To her horror, Norwyn walked forward, subsequently pushing her towards the edge of the island.

The clouds around her feet thickened the further she moved from the sand where she'd previously sat. She felt the ground slip away beneath her, she hung in the air by her tormentor's spell. Due to the paralysis, she couldn't move, or even speak to him. Her stomach dropped as she floated even further from Mystacor. Norwyn didn't follow her. She could see clearly that he stood on solid ground.

She stared back at him, her eyes pleading at him to bring her back and let the spell go, though she knew that wouldn't happen.

"Do you see my magic? My power? This is what you could have been learning if you hadn't been slacking on the beach."

Light Spinner swallowed. So he was going to lecture her on her classes then.

"You would have been taught respect there too."

He spat you his words as if they left a bad taste in his mouth, and she only glared at him in return. Her anger helped distract her.

"Instead I'm forced to teach you. How you manage to be such a disappointment is beyond me."

He scowled at her with an anger he had specially reserved for only her to see.

She struggled against the magic that held her in the sky, to no avail. Maybe if she had her own magic she'd be able to do something against him, but she couldn't when she was so weak. That's what he called her, anyways.

"Pathetic creature. Do you know what would happen to you if I were nearly as useless as you are?"

He didn't wait for any response and continued.

"You would fall to the forest and mountains below Mystacor, and you would die before you knew what hit you. It would be very painful if you were somehow still alive though, considering the numerous injuries your body would sustain. But of course, that wouldn't happen because I know how to use my magic."

His horrible voice turned to a fake kindness as he spoke about how such a thing would never happen. If she hadn't been in her current position, she would have spent more time wondering how he had such an extensive understanding of how she'd die. She didn't particularly want to think about that though.

"Have you learned your lesson?"

She tried her hardest to nod, anything that would tell him he could bring her back to the island. She couldn't move against his spell, but her eyes must have conveyed her thoughts to him.

She almost sighed with relief as she felt herself being drawn back to the sands of the beach. The spell was released soon as her feet touched the ground, and she fell onto her knees. She could have sworn being on solid ground had never felt so good before.

She felt Norwyn's cold eyes boring into her back, and she turned to meet them.

"Pathetic little beast. Next time I see you, I expect you to have learned your manners."

She fought to keep herself from shaking with rage at the names he called her. She refused to be referred to as a beast. But she kept herself in check and nodded curtly. Letting him see her anger would not end well for her.

His footsteps faded into the distance as he left her trembling in the sand. Light Spinner sighed and lay down on her back, trying to relax her nerves and restore what had been peaceful before the horrid goat came to ruin her day. 

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