The Baby In The Forest

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(Yes ik that Ranboo is technically older than Tommy, but its 1:30 in the morning and i dont care abt canonically, its a fan fic)

The sounds of crunching leaves filled the empty forest. Techno's ears twitched as he searched for a sound. Philza had made him walk patrols every morning since he first lived there. The cold snow fell rhythmically onto his armor, his sword hung over his shoulder. A sound was carried by the wind, a cry in the distance. Techno quickly turned his head, trying to find where the sound came from. He heard another one, possibly a small child. He sprinted in the direction of the noise. As he passed through the thick forest his came up on a clearing. He slowed down and approached carefully. In the middle of the clearing, sat a weaved spruce basket, a wool blanket draped inside. Another cry erupted from the basket.

Technoblade approached the basket and carefully lifted the blanket, revealing a small, fragile figure. His face was split, black and white on either side. He had a single green eye and a single red. His ears were long and pointed, and his hands were small. He was wearing a thin little outfit, it having golden fringes and being a pretty pale green. He looked through the rest of the basket and saw that the blanket said "Ranboo" on it. "Ranboo, huh?" Techno picked up the delicate little thing and held it near him. "Well, Ranboo, lets get you to Philza."

"A literall child?!" Philza basically yelled, the result of Techno bringing home ths baby called "Ranboo". "Phil, Im just as shocked as you are." Techno attempted to calm the bird boi down. "But we cant put him back out there! He's so small and fragile!" Techno looked over to Phil's couch, where baby was laying down, asleep. "Techno, we both know I do not need four f*cking kids!" Phil looked at Techno, a thick coat of melancholy. Techno was suddenly struck with an idea. "What if he's my kid? That way I can have help and he doesnt end up in whatever screwed up system this place has." Phil sighed heavily, and looked past Techno and over to the red, soft couch. A little Tommy, sitting next to the couch and staring admiringly at Ranboo. He was about 5 years old, not old enough to understand what was happening. "Little brother?" Tommy asked excitedly, pointing at Ranboo, who was now awake and looking around in awe by his surroundings. Philza chuckled and walked over to Tommy. "No sweetie, thats Ranboo." He looks over at Techno and back at Tommy. "He's Techno's baby."

(Sorry for the short chapter, im so tired 🐸)

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