Part 2

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What! as boris stood up jaina I'm married and you know I'm married "I know I know" as she close the door I've been feeling this way for a while it's ok if you don't feel the same I just wanted to let you know... "silence as boris stood there surprised I'll just leave and give you a minute to think about it "jaina pod" omg what did I just do he is never going to talk to me ever again I messed up everything "knock on the door" hey are you ready jaina as the producer say "yea" jaina say weirdly 'as they walk down the hall way they stop at boris pod' "knock on the door" it's open as boris say hey boris you ready yea as he say not knowing jaina was with the producer they walk down the hallway quietly "on set" 3..2..1..ACTION
"at robert house"
A: do you want want me to make you some breakfast
R: yea but I don't want food I want some thing else
A: oh really and what could that be.."her knowing what he was talking about"
"Him coming closer and they starting to kiss"
'And CUT' as the director say'
'Hours later, the end of their shift'
'Jaina walking to her car think about what she told boris and scared that he is never going to talk to her ever again' hey jaina you have a min as boris walk up to her, yea, I'm sorry If I made you feel uncomfortable earlier a jaina say. No it's fine that's what I want to talk about um. Hey as jaina interrupt him do you wanna sit in the car its really hot out here sure as boris say..
'Meanwhile boris wife coming to his pod looking for him because she was suppose to be picking him up'
"In the car" so I just want to say as they both look at each other in the eyes I....I'm in love with you too as boris say and jaina being silent.. and then out of no where they kiss
"At boris pod" I think I should go ask the director where he is as boris wife say hey have you seen boris I was suppose to be picking him up and he is not answering his phone as his wife say um last time I saw him he was walking to his car as the director say ok thanks boris wife say
" her walking outside to see boris and jaina kissing in her car'...

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