Near to failure

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"Thanks again Brendan" Dawn said with a smile, but that seemed forced upon on her. She can't point out why but she can't feel herself think when she was near Brendan. All she knew was there was something familiar about him but what? She never seen him anywhere before today anyway.

"No problem, if you ever need me I'll be there" Brendan said with a mysterious smirk. Suddenly his expression changed from content to dissatisfaction.

" Nice perfume by the way" he complimented. Dawn grinned as the Misty and May look up from their work.


" A healthy girl like you don't need it." He said sternly before leaving the library leaving behind 3 very confused and doubtful girls.

"Was that a compliment or an insult" Misty scoffed.

"In a normal scenario when a boy says that it means he may or may not be flirting. But when you hear the tone of his and see his expression... I think he just ordered me" Dawn said now 100% sure she didn't like that boy at all. Because

1. He just call her healthy . AND all girls know that HEALTHY = Fat

2. The weird vibes coming from him, also not to forget the HORRIBLE compliment he just gave. Who does that?

"Lets just go already" May said who was least interested on what just happened and wanted to get over with this very first weird and abnormal day. And besides who wants to miss swimming? The feeling of water against her skin is perfect relaxation after such a day. Both Misty and May has swimming right now whereas Dawn has fashion designing. Leaf has computer.

"Hey where is Leaf?" Dawn asked noticing her companion's absence.

" I heard her leave when Brendan came" May said.


" You know how much she loves computer right? She may have left early" Misty said before leaving with May. Dawn nodded and head towards her next class.

"Uh guys where is Gary??" Ash said after being the last person to head out of library.

"Right here" Gary scowled as he glared at Ash and other boys

'Sometimes it is good to know how to pick a lock' Leaf thought as she opened the door of the school's science lab and closed it. She placed the last few drops of the juice on watch glass.

" Now where is the microscope?" she murmured as her eyes scan the desk present in the lab.

"Must be in some cupboard" she said as she moved from her current position. She also felt a swift movement besides her as she immediately turn.

"What was that" she exclaimed as her eyes widen in terror.

"Who's there!" Her voice echoed through the room

No reply. Leaf sighed concluding it to be wind after seeing the window open. She cautiously looked around as she placed her hand on the watch glass. Only to realize it hit the desk.

"Huh?" Leaf immediately scanned the room. The plastic cup was gone and so was the watch glass. All her evidence was gone, perished.

She looked at the door realizing something.

She never ever leaves the door open

"AAHHH! I HATE THIS SCHOOL!" she said as her fist clutched.

Just when she was about to close the door of the lab she noticed red droplets on the window. She smirked

"Not bad." This time experimenting in my room

" I told you these girls are trouble!!" Gary said as he hold the plastic cup out with the watch glass.

"Trouble for picking a waste plastic cup and an absolute clean watch glass" Drew remarked

"Seriously Gary they are clean freaks and nerd we get it" Ash said folding his hands and turned to leave. Only Paul noticed the horrified look on Gary after Andrew remark.

"YOU IDIOT! These girls were experimenting weren't they?"

"yes... BUT I luckily got it out of the science lab before they find out that the liquid wa-" Gary stopped in mid sentence after seeing some other girls passing by.

"Blood" Drew finished Gary's sentence.

" Gary you keep eye on the girls. Ash you go search the area. Drew and I will check their rooms" Paul said

"no one should find out the truth about our existence. About who we are Especially some newbie humans" 

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