Chapter 1

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Crystal's P.O.V

Today was it.
The last day of school.
I'm so done with it.Glad that I won't see any girls that I hate.No sluts,bitches and some weirdo bastards in my weird chemistry partners and the best part I'LL BE SPENDING THE WHOLE SUMMER WITH MA BFFS.since I'm way too excited I ran to Emily and Alex,but I ran too fast I bumped into my brother's car.i shivered at the way my skin touched the cold car since i was wearing a tank top and high waisted jean shorts and as always,i was in my white converse because i'm in love with them

"Woah,slow down.too excited for summer?!"em asked making Alex chuckle,she knows how I feel about school so that was a complete pointless question to ask.i've been planning my summer since 2 months ago,i just wanted to end this thing and have some actual fun.

"More than what you'll ever think of"I sighed but smiled a second later.Adam chuckled at my move,he doesn't like school at all but he seriously never understands me in these stuff.I mean...seriously,I have and instagram and tumblr acc to diss school!but when you go to his room he won't let you talk till he's done with his homework.I'm not saying he's a nerd but he cares so much more than I do,ya know?!it's kind of like i live in the moment,he thinks of future

Yes he does have a girlfriend which is like a sister to me,it's weird how nice she acts around me and my friends because she's one of those popular girls that won't ever give a shit about boys and girls around them.but to be honest Adam is pretty hot so it's not an awkward thing after all

I flipped my hair over my shoulder and heard a 'bye' behind myself so I turned around and waved at one of my should see the face that everybody has.they have their mouth opened up to their ears.everybody laughing even the teachers,probably happy to get rid of us

"Shall we go guys?"Adam asked as he opened the back seat's door for us

"I am not sitting there"I argued.I hate sitting in the backseat of the car so I always argue over this

"Ed is going with have to"ed is his best best friend.better say brother.he's the brother to me too.he's the sweetest guy in the whole universe.and don't tell anyone but Alex has a crush on him,i've never been into boys in my whole life,yeah,i've had boyfriends but i never cared about their looks though.but ed has never been more than a friend to me

I groaned but cut off my groan when I saw ed coming over with a stupid grin on his face

"Hey people"he smiled.he's ginger by the way and he's always been the teddy bear that Adam never was,he gives some very nice hugs

We hopped in the car and Adam started driving
"So what's going to happen this summer?"

"We're going to the party tonight,then we'll go and spend a few nights in the haunted house which is located right next to em's house.what do ya think?"I said excited
They started nodding and smiling

"Oh come on.don't give me those stupid nods and smiles.give me them high fives"I put my hands up in the air waiting for them to slap,and they feels good to have best friends like yourself because you can do anything and everything together which is pretty enjoyable.

"I know this sounds stupid to you guys.but seriously girls this is impossible to be safe in that house"ed said trying to sound cool.the girls always say he likes me even though I don't feel anything. I've got my own crush at school.his name is Dylan and he's SINGLE,and he's LIFE,and he's just PER-FECT

"we've never been there before,i just moved into this house and god everybody keeps talking about how dangerous it is."em said to ed.he just nodded looking out the window

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