Chapter 2

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Crystal's P.O.V

"Hey"i heard a voice behind me making me jump and turn around to face NO ONE

It wasn't familiar though.but it was a bit of husky like whispering and that was a boy,in the girls' bathroom?

"Hey?!"I questioned.why would a guy that doesn't even know me start with 'Hey'?

"you look beautiful"the voice was probably a prank or something

"Where are you?"I asked moving around trying to figure out where the one that's putting the prank is
But something stopped me
The lights went off
God this shitty prank is getting more fucked up by the second,i freak out in darkness,yeah you might think i like it,but it's a phobia of mine that nobody knows about.i always try my best to control myself from screaming in darkness which is so hard because i feel a lump in my throat and i kind of stop other phobia is Spiders.i hate them,i hate them,i hate them.everyone knows about this one since once i saw one and almost passed out
Everywhere turned dark.I couldn't see anything,not even my own hands
The only thing I could feel was my own breaths breaths on my neck?!!?
"I'm here"he whispered,i swear he was so close to my ear
"And what is it you want?!"I said not scared by the stupid prank

"Girl you're all the rage,tell me little something little more than just your name.I don't bite,My little puppeteer."Puppeteer?!OK this is a sick joke

"This joke sucks.just stop it"

"I'm dead serious,babe"nice nicknames he's giving me

"Just leave"I said as i cleared my throat trying my best to hide my shaking voice
"You sure?!"god that voice was scary and husky
"K.but we'll meet soon,little puppeteer"with that the lights went on,i turned around but saw no was probably a prank or something.i sighed and walked out,i just want to get drunk and don't care about the world tonight

Ed's P.O.V

God she's drunk,i've never seen her drunk before and she's absolutely the cutest thing ever.Adam was pretty busy driving so i decided to take care of Crystal.Alex and Em are alright,not that drunk,but Crystal can't even walk,she keeps bumping into the wall,door,cars,people and just everything so i have to wrap my arm around her waist to control her.i can't hold back my laughter,so i just laugh with her as we walk to the car

"hey carrotboy,i can't walk seriously,who the fuck said girls should wear high heels?"she kept on calling me carrotboy for my hair being red,i find it cute,she started to take off her heels and when she was done with them,she started to walk again

"woah,you need help with that?"i asked chuckling knowing she feels uncomfortable to and crystal stopped as adam turned his head and gave me a smile.he's ok with me dating his sister because he knows me,i won't break her heart,i will love her until the end.Adam and Jade tried to make her give me a chance but i told them to stop since she has a REALLY massive crush on Dylan.i looked over at her again and she was playing with the palm of my right hand.i grinned and placed my right arm under her knees and the left arm holding her back then picked her up from the ground,she didn't scream or anything,just put her head in the crook of my neck with her eyes closed,giving me shivers.what the actual fuck?i shouldn't be feeling this way,should i?shivers?boys?weird!!

"goodnight"she yawned and i smirked,i started walking to the car again,i reached the car and Jade opened the door for me,she sat in the backseat with the girls.crystal didn't move a muscle in my arms,you could see the girls yawning and Adam sighing

"mate,i have to stay at jade's,her parents are not home,could you stay with her?"Adam asked after the long silence as he pointed at his little sister with his thumb.SURE I'D LOVE TO

I took a look down at crystal,she's only 17,she can't just stay at home alone and drunk,i know how people act when they wake up from a drunken night so i cannot say 'no' to him and by the way,i'd love to stay with her,she's the most fun person you'll ever meet in your whole damn life so i suggest you to become friends with this girl,but if you couldn't find a chance to become friends with her,her brother is always available since he's a friendly guy

"yeah sure"i smiled at him,he looked at me for a second and turned to the road again

"and don't do anything stupid"he warned.i chuckled at him foolishly keeping my eyes on the empty dark road for no reason

"like what?fucki-"i joked but he cut me off

"ED"he yelled being an over-protective brother like he always is,i accidentally jumped by his yell and almost about to woke Crystal up

"fine,fine,just joking,'re no fun"i put on a puppy dog face

"that only works on girls,ya know"he chuckled,that's only works on surprises me how it works on Crystal's obvious that she doesn't like me the way i love her.yes,i am in love with her,for the past five years i've loved her and i've always tried to get her attention,but she doesn't like dating that much.her ex boyfriend cheated on her,she didn't give a shit about it because she had no feelings towards him.but i gave a shit and almost ripped the boy apart,good thing i didn't kill him 'cause crystal was there telling me to stop.yeah love story and stuff,but she's my weakness,i can't help it

Awwwww,somebody's in love with her,i'm afraid to say the boys are not gonna show up now,a few chapters need to go by and they'll come into the story.i hope you guys are enjoying this.please vote and comment,it will take 1 second to vote so please just click the freaking button that has a star and says 'Vote'

Bye,love you <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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