4. The Dark Lord

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The burning anger raged through him like molten lava and if it were not for his strong self-control, he would have killed the king right there. He cared not if he was apprehended after. Even with no weapon, he would have been able to take him on with ease. He still had his ability to bend and control lightning to his will and even the weather, something that was rare even for those with the ability of the Storm bloodline.

The door closed behind them as the king motioned for his men to leave, a clear indicator he trusted the men before him. A foolish mistake on the kings’ part, Declan thought.

A hand on his shoulder bought him out of his dark thoughts as Aren gave it an encouraging squeeze motioning at him to bow, as he himself enclosed his right hand over his left hand that was curled into a fist and bowed to their sovereign who stood at his desk observing the dark-haired man.

A stabbing jolt of guilt ran through the king as their eyes met. Declan did not bow; he did not care if it branded him insolent or classed it as treason. He would never bow to filth.

Aren looked up at his friend in alarm, did he have a death wish, he grabbed his arm trying to pull him into a bow, but Declan did not even move an inch, his strength was unmatched and Aren who was a very skilled fighter was no match for him.

“Declan of House Storm,” Evaan said quietly looking at the handsome young man who did not even show him respect.

Memories of long ago flashed in his mind and the burning flame of buried guilt only grew stronger.

“House Storm is long forgotten; Declan alone is fine,” Declan said his voice so cold it could cut through stone. Evaan looked at him and nodded

“My apologies… Declan...” he said quietly

Aren looked between the two men confused at their exchange. It was clear Declan's dislike and contempt for the king was barely hidden. Yet the king was ignoring it, and was speaking calmly…

Declan stepped forward placing the sealed scroll onto the table for the king to view.

Both Aren and Declan exchanged looks wondering what exactly was in that scroll. They had only been told to get it to the king at all costs.

Evaan sat down as he broke the seal and opened it, scanning the slanted scrawl of the general. His eyes widening as his heart raced, no… this could not be possible, he looked at the two men before him.

“Is this… is this true?” he said.

Declan did not speak as Aren stepped forward,

“We do not actually know the contents of the message, sire,” he said,

Evaan stood up, his brows furrowed, clasping his hands behind his back as he went to the window.

Declan stepped forward taking the scroll from the table as he scanned it. His eyes widened in shock. He passed the scroll to Aren his mind reeling.

Aren gasped as he stepped back before looking up. All three men exchanged looks. For once since they had been in that room together, all three were thinking the same thing.

If this was true… then the kingdom was in dire danger, and they had all been too blind to even realise…

‘To my King,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health, and I give my greetings to their royal highnesses, but I am not writing for pleasantries today. It is with a heavy heart that I am forced to relay this message to you, I am trusting two of my best men to get this to you swiftly and safely.

The Forgotten lands have begun to stir. I took no notice of it despite the suspicions and the sense of foreboding that has consumed me over the slight change in the beasts and monsters that roam the land. If it was not for the men, I have lost and the marks on their body I would not have believed it. Just like back then, it is the very same.

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