Love You More

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Supra x frostfire fluff, to make up from ze angst


"I love you" -Frosty

"I love you more" -Supra

"No, i love you more!" -Frosty

"No, i do!" -Supra

"Nuuu i do!" -Frosty

Supra sighed, its impossible to keep up with his lover like this, especially with that chubby cute face- all he can do is just watch his boyfriend being cute like always. 'I wonder if i-' he thought.

Then he kissed frostfire for exactly 1 minute, then broke the kiss, with a string of saliva.

It took a while for frostfire to process what happened

But when he did....

"EHHHH?!?!" Frostfire goes red, real red

"Cute" supra said, which made frostfire even more red.

"I can't wait for our wedding" supra said again, making his lover replied with "Your lucky amaya proposed to me for you!"

The fucking end, yay!

No invitations for you all! >:(

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