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Frostfire loves being treated like a princess. Especially when its from supra .
Like, right now. He's litterally on his boyfriends lap, while his boyfriend is playing with his thighs, gently caressing and squeezing them. all that while supra is kissing his neck and inhaling that signature scent of raspberry nectar

Other students would know them as enemies. But in private? Supra only has his eyes on frostfire, and him only
"Mmm, my princess." Supra's dark husky voice spoke lowly right beside frostfires ear.
Frostfire couldn't help but blush

"Stop it..." he groaned, "everyone is watching us."No one could possibly be watching us more than they already are." Supra's deep tone had the hint of amusement laced in it,"Besides, if they were to see me looking so lovingly into your eyes?" His lips continued to trail kisses along frostfire neck.

"They wouldn't even notice..." Frostfire mumbled, trying to hide the embarrassment in his voice. He didn't want his other friends to think he was weak or childish for loving and having this affectionate relationship with a male. He was just a highschool student afterall. There was nothing wrong with his little crush...was there?
"Oh yes, I would," Supra's dark eyes flashed playfully,"They'd probably think I'm too good for you. Which is not true. My darling, I'm the best choice out there for you..." His hands slid up under frostfire shirt. The way Supra said his name made frostfire's stomach do somersaults. 

He loved the attention, the adoration, the care that always seemed reserved only for him. "Beautiful...'' he added as his lips brushed frostfire jawline.

Frostfire shuddered at the touch, closing his eyes for a second before he felt Supras strong arms wrap around him, pulling him against his chest. His long slender body curved perfectly around frostfires curves and he kissed frostfire softly. not to mention he's wearing supra's football shirt and a pair of shorts. the shirt was too big for him.

His kiss was full of possessiveness, hunger and need. Frostfire's heart fluttered and he returned the favor eagerly. He wrapped both of his hands around Supras neck. He could feel his heartbeat speeding as their tongues danced together. "My princess...'' Supra whispered, "you are mine and I am yours..." his grip tightened slightly, making frostfire whimper. The low tone of his words and his low breath sent electric signals down frostfire veins, making him tremble. "Forever and ever…" Supra whispered in frostfire earlobe.

The little boy melted in his boyfriends arms, as a wave of slumber washed over him.
"I love you." His last words before nuzzling in the others chest and falling asleep

His boyfriend replied by giving a soft kiss on his lips, ruffling his hair
"I love you too, princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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