Chap 1

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Please not pay attention to my mistakes, English isn't my first language. ^_^ Do not tell me that i am fetishizing mlm, i am nblm myself. If i don't respect a mcyt's boundaries please tell me. Please call me out if i say anything disrespectful! <3
Good lecture :>
⚠️POSSIBLE TW:⚠️kidnapping ??
3rd person pov:
The smell of smoke and blood filled the hidden omega's nose. Hiding in the coffee shop he worked in the George was praying for no one to find him, balling his eyes out while horrified screams filled the streets. And he was here, pathetically hiding while his friends were dying..

The intrusive thoughts were stopped by the sound of the front door opening, the omega tried to stay as silent as possible while a smell of citrus mixed with blood filled the shop. The alpha walked closer and George realised:
he was gonna die.
His vision became blurry as the tears flowed down his face . A white mask with a ":)"smiley face caved in it came in his vision as he heard an exited "found you!!" Before he felt his consciousness leaving him.
He had fainted because of the fear.


George heard faint voices, he couldn't quite make out what they were saying
"........omegas............ mated ones ......alphas....pups"
"Why....keep him...... others??"
"Shut tf up sapnap:)" (one like=1 person respecting sapnap💀)
George started to gain consciousness, remembering what happened. His heart started beating like crazy, the omega sarted gaining his senses back, he felt himself moving. Was he in a car? he felt a hand rub circles on his back and realised he was cuddling with someone?! was it Karl?? Karl and him always did that when George was stressed.. no. He couldn't smell Karl, only alphas and some betas.



He realised he was overthinking again, it happened a lot. George couldn't move, they would realise he was not asleep anymore. It was too dangerous. But he really didn't like the idea of cuddling with .. this guy

George pov:
Ok, i need to calm down or I'll never find a way out...
The best idea is to lisen to what they are saying, keep quiet and identify their smell
Ok.. i can do that..
the driver smells weird.. an alpha, campfire and citrus, what kind of smell is that??! (Yes this is sapnap)

(⚠️ important ⚠️ in this au all of the members of a pack have a part of their smell in common: for Dream's pack it's citrus and for George's it's blueberries. This smell is the head alpha's smell so when you change pack/ the head alpha dies the old smell will fade over time to get replaced by your new head alpha's smell)

The dude i am "cUdDliNg" with's smells really strong, he is probably the head alpha, his smell is familiar, probably the guy who entered the coffee. He smells like citrus only, wich confirms that he is in fact the head alpha.

I can't make out the other smells because of the strong smell of the head alpha and the disgusting smell of blood still present

George started feeling dizzy, his head started spinning and the guy's voices started sounding weird, he couldn't understand what they were saying.

He slowly fell back into unconsciousness

Sorry it's so short but i wanted to know what you think abt it, tell me if you want me to post the 2nd chapter

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